Eight Years Later

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Nathaniel, age 18, pictured above

Things went well for about a year. Nathaniel exchanged letters with both Christopher and Samantha regularly. For a little while, there was talk that they would visit again. Then that letter arrived. It was an official letter from the kingdom of Ichesta. The king and queen took the letter gravely. Nathaniel stood nearby as his father opened it slowly. His father read it and his face turned white. "Whatever is the matter Richard?" his mother asked.

"What was in the letter, father?" Nathaniel asked.

His father looked up at the two of them, "It seems that Ichesta has gone to war."

"War!" Nathaniel was incensed. "With whom?"

"The kingdom of Shulan," his father said.

Nathaniel shook his head. He couldn't believe it. The kingdom of Shulan was a savage kingdom, known to be war-mongering. There had been an uneasy peace for many years as Shulan had not attacked any kingdoms in some time. Nathaniel couldn't help but think this was all his fault. If only there had not been an attempt to make an accord between his kingdom and Ichesta, then this would not have happened. "What are we going to do, father?" Nathaniel asked in a serious voice.

"King James has already gone to the front lines with his calvary. Prince Christopher begged to go with him, according to the letter, but of course, as heir, James would not let him. James has asked that we send some extra troops to aid him and to also make sure that Queen Rebecca, Prince Christopher, and Princess Samantha are kept safe during this time."

"What about us, my love?" his mother asked. "I do not mean to be insensitive, but what if we were attacked?"

His father put a hand to his head. "I understand your fears, Katherine," then he went silent for a moment, kneading his head with his hand. "What do you think Nathaniel? What should we do?"

Nathaniel looked shocked, "Y-you want my opinion, father?"

His father lifted his gaze to Nathaniel, his wise-looking dark blue eyes clear as day, "You will one day rule Auraya in my place. These kinds of decisions you will sometimes make multiple times a day. I know what I believe to be the right course of action. I am interested to know what you believe to be the right course of action."

Nathaniel felt thrust into the spotlight, and he didn't know how he felt about it. He did know that he felt a massive weight on his shoulders. He thought about it and what both his father and mother had said. Then he said, "I understand your concerns mother, but it would be unwise for us not to help Ichesta. We are, after all, looking to ally with them through marriage. How would it help us, if in their time of need we abandoned them? As to your concerns, mother, I understand them as well. So here is what I propose. We send a third of our troops to the king, a third to his family, and a third stay behind to protect us."

His mother looked at him adoringly. His father patted him on the back and said, "A very kingly response, Nathaniel. It was a bit different from what I had in mind, but I do find that it would make more sense. I will send letters at once and have the troops ready to head out."

"Thank you father," Nathaniel said, as he wanted to send his own letters.

4 years later

The war raged with no end in sight for four long years. Through his letters, Nathaniel was able to glean that things were almost always at a standstill. Christopher and he were now 15 and Chris, as he insisted he be called, wished to be out on the battlefield with his father, protecting the kingdom. Samantha's letters were always different in tone. She talked about the war ending and her father returning. Then they received horrible news one day a few months into the fourth year of the war. It was a plain envelope, but it had a black seal on it. Nathaniel had never seen anything like it. His father's expression told him everything he needed to know about the contents. It was nothing good. The letter was opened and his father let out a sharp breath. He took a moment to gather himself. When he read Nathaniel could hear the emotion in his words, "King James has been killed in action. Prince Christopher will succeed him immediately and head out to battle as soon as possible."

Nathaniel was a bundle of emotions. His friend was now a king and was headed into battle, which was where he had wanted to go. Nathaniel headed to his room and wrote letters to both Christopher and Samantha. They surely would both need it. When the letters were done, he posted them. Then he set back in his chair and hoped the war would be over soon.

3 years later

The war ended after a year and a half. There was a fairly equal number of casualties on both sides. The troops that had been sent from Auraya were sent back once they were well. After another year and a half, the king decided that he would invite the royal family back to Auraya. Nathaniel couldn't say he wasn't excited. He had not seen Christopher and Samantha in eight years. However, the king was not only inviting them, he invited many others. Since Nathaniel was now 18, it was time for him to look for his bride. His father had said, "We are holding this dance so that you might meet several eligible ladies. Perhaps someone will catch your eye."

As Nathaniel dressed for the dance he rolled his eyes. He couldn't escape this any longer. His parents were adamant that he marry. Up unto this point, being Nathaniel had not been all that bad, but now... well. Nathaniel shook his head. He felt like a bird trapped in a golden cage. There would be no escaping.

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