Mahogany LOX

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        I was dancing around my house cleaning when the mail man came. I open the front door to grab the mail and one envelope caught my eye. The name Emma Wilson was written by the return adress, i assumed it was just a fan, but something told me to open this envelope now, something told me what was in this envelope was important, so I carefully opened it and took out what I assumed to be a letter.  I unfolded i and began to read.

Dear Mahogany,

        Okay let me start by saying you are so gorgeous, like you are all of my goals combined into one human being. Like how does someone look that perfect? Be that perfect? Besides the fact that you're flawless, you just have such a good heart, such a good sense of humor, and you care for you your fans. Like you geniunly care about them, and that warms my heart. I know you have no clue who I am, but my name is Emma Wilson, and I'm just going to say it, I took my life. And I'm not proud of this, I mean who would be? I just can't live anymore, I just can't do it. I mean you probably don't understand no one understands, and it's hard to explain. I just can't. I can't continue to live in a world where I'm bullied every single day and where just no one cares. No one cares if I take my own life. No one. I mean yeah sure, maybe my parents but I have no friends, no one out side of my family who cares about me.

        And every day another part of me is ripped a part and my deamons take over. So I can't I can't continue to live this pathetic sad liffe. I just theres no way. So Mahogany, I guess I wrote this to say good bye. To tell you how much you have helped me. It's kind of beautiful, how you can help, you can save so many people. Yeah, you couldn't save me, but trust me, I wasn't worth saving. I'm not worth anything and I've come to realize that, after all the years of bullying, there right. I'm not worth anything, nothing at all. And it sucks. But I just, I can't live anymore. I mean you and your vines have kept me alive, kept me breathing for this long, but now, now it's not enough.

        I need someone I'm able to touch, able to talk to, able to hug. And I can't do that with you. I mean you have so many fans, so many people who admire you and you still have time to save them. Yeah, you weren't able to save me I mean no one was. I just want you to know I love you so much, you have kept me alive for over a year, but I'm done, I'm just so done. Just know I love you Mahogany, and your Djing and your singing, will go far with because you're amazing, and please never ever forget that. I'm starting to sound repedative and starting to ramble so just know I love you and goodbye I guess, good bye forever.

Love, Emma Wilson

        I'm in tears. How could someone actually end there life, actually follow through with it. I wouldn't be able too, I can't even phatom the thought. This girl, she was not worth nothing. No one is worth nothing. Everyone is special in there own ways. But she's been through so much, she doesn't see herself as worthy of anything. And that breaks my heart. I'm just standing in my kitchen holding the letter and holding the envelope when I see something flutter to the ground. I bend dow and pick it up. And it's a picture. It's a picture of her. And she is beautiful. From her hair to her feet she is absolutely gorgeous. But you can see the pain. And it sucks. You can see and tell that she went through so much. And it hurts. No one should have to go through that much tortuer, that much pain. I just wish I could have saved her.

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