Aaron Carpenter

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*A/N: Yo Yo Yo, okay ima stop I'm not cool, but anyways holy shit I have over 200 reads now How does that happen?! Anyways I know, this is the second time I have updated this week and I know you all are thinking whatttt Marie are you crazy? You're always late when it comes to updating. And I'm like whoops sorry, but yeah!

I've been bored and decided you know what lets update again! So here it is I hope you all enjoy and remember to vote, comment, you can follow me if you want and always feel free to message me! Also you can tweet me if you want too @nashsidestides I'm always on twitter and yeah sorry this authors note is so long omg I love you guys and remember to stay beautiful and stay strong because you're worth it I promise!-Marie*


        I was just chilling on the couch watching T.V when my dog started barking at the mail man. "Hey! Stop barking." I say to my dog petting him. I get up off my lazy butt and grab the mail from the mail box, flipping through, thinking nothing was for me when I come across an envelope with my name written in cursive on the front. I look at the return adress and see the name Emma WIlson, and that name does not ring a bell. Either way I open the envelope and start to read,

Dear a a ron,

        Okay, I had too. Anyways, Hi Aaron. You are probably very confused right now and to be honest I would be too. I mean some random chick sent you a random letter in the mail, And I mean who even writes letters these days? And honestly I have no idea. But the reason I'm writing this isn't to catch up and to talk about our lives, I mean you have no idea who I am. And I guess I'm writing this to tell you how much I love you, How much you mean to me weather I'm dead or alive. And by the time you're reading this I will no longer be alive. And you're probably thinking, How do you know that Emma? You can't predict the future. And your right. I can't. But I do have the power to take my own life and I highly doubt anyone will stop me.

         I mean no one cares enough to even say hi to me when they see me siting alone in the lunch room, Let alone to save me when I'm about to end my life. And you may be thinking, What about your family? Don't they care about you? And Yeah, I guess they do, but that's not enough to stop me. My life has been pretty shitty for some time now, and I just can't do it anymore. I can't keep breathing, I just can't. It's hard to continue living day, after day, after day when you know nobody wants you here. I mean no one at school cares about me, I have no friends so, what's the point of living? And I know people say it will get better, but I've been waiting for things to get better since I started fourth grade. I'm now in eleventh grade, I've been waiting for seven years for things to get better and they haven't. How much longer am I supposed to wait?

        It's hard to wait when you're in so much pain. I just can't hold on any longer. And what has kept me going these past twoish years is you. Well you and eleven other guys. You guys were able to put a smile on my face when no one else could. Weather I needed a laugh or needed a smile you were there. No matter how hard things got, there you were. And it means a lot. But now, now you and those others aren't enough to keep me going. I just, I honestly can't continue living through all this torture, all this pain. But I guess Aaron, I guess I just want to thank you, and tell you how much you meant to me. So thank you Aaron, thanks for always being there.

With much love, Emma Wilson

        I feel tears start to trickle down my face, and I'm in shock. I look inside the envelope hoping for there to be more, maybe a picture or another letter anything to help what I'm feeling right now. I see something hiding in the envelope and I pull it out with my shaky fingers. And it's a picture, a picture of her. And holy shit she's absolutely gorgeous. But she looks so empty, even if you just saw her on the street and looked into her eyes you would be able to tell something was wrong. It's so sad how people can become that sad, that depressed to end up taking there own life. If only I knew about her sooner, If only I ran into her on the streets, if only I met her at a meet and greet, if only I tweeted or followed her on twitter, if only.

*A/N: I know this one was a little shorter than my other chapters and I'm sorry, I just didn't know what more I could add, but I hope you guys enjoyed and remember I love you!-Marie

P.S Follow my twitter @nashsidestides*

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