chapter 9

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Hope and Josie came back at the school the fastest they could only to found everybody fighting. They found Dr.saltzman in the armory.

" What's happening Dr.saltzman? why's everyone fighting whit what seems to be zombies?" Hope asked.

" Well Hope, the necromancer is back and everyone is fighting with 'zombies' like you said. He brought back a lot of dead peoples and now we have to find him and kill him. Put Josie in a safe place and come back to take weapons." Alaric said in hurry before he went out of the room.

" Josie come with me." Hope said taking Josie's hand.

" No Hope. I'm fighting with you, i can't leave you alone and wait when all my friends are fighting." Josie said fermely.

" Josie i can't loose you, so you're coming with me and i'll lock you in a safe place." Hope said trying to exited the room with the tall girl.

" Give me your blood then, i won't leave you fight without me. If i drink your blood i'll be safe." Josie said, not letting the girl took her out of the room.

" Fine. but if you die, you'll have to explain to your dad that it was you idea." Hope said, before bitting her wrist and put it on Josie's mouth.

The girl drank the short girl blood even if it tasted horrible. She let go of Hope's wrist and wince at the iron taste in her mouth.

" Ok, now let's fight. " Josie said while taking weapons in her hands.

Hope and Josie went out of the room and went to were Josie's dad was. That's when they saw him, The necromancer. While Josie is fighting zombies, Hope Sprinted to the necromancer and punched him in the face. But the necromancer wasn't that easy to kill. He punched her again and again, the girl didn't gave up. She got up and fought back. She knew the only way to kill the necromancer. Her blood. That's when she heard something terrible, screams. Josie couldn't fought back against those zombies, they were too many. Hope ran toward her and saved her, that's when something hit her hard. She looked down at her chest and saw a wood stick trough it. Blood started coming out of her mouth and she fall on her knees.

She couldn't let go before she killed the necromancer. She then got up on her feet and went toward him. She jumped on him and forced him to drink her blood. ' I did it, i killed him.' that's the last think she thought before black covered her vision.

Josie POV

I saw Hope falling on the floor and I couldn't took it. I ran to her as fast as possible and saw a lot of blood. The wood stick was still in her chest but she had a small smile on her face. My vision started to blurred and I took out the stick. I threw it away and hugged my girlfriend tightly. ' She's gone.' I knew she would came back soon, but seeing her like this was torture.

I felt a hand on my shoulder and saw my sister standing there looking at me with sad eyes. At this moment i was crying the shit out of me, the love of my life is dead. She would came back, but she was going to be a vampire. It was going to be hard for her, but i'll be there with her. I took her in my arms and went to her room . I put her on her bed and went to the bathroom to took things to cleaned her.

When i finished, i slid under the blanket and i wrapped her in a tight hug. I put her head on my chest and held her as close as possible. I wanted to be with her when she'll woke up. I closed my eyes and drifted to sleep.

In the morning.

I woke up quickly went I felt something moved in my arms. I opened my eyes only to met blue ones. She looked at me with wide eyes before speaking.

" What happened?"

Sorry guys this one is short as hell but i'll maybe post another one today. You'll see ;)
(705 words)

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