Start from the beginning

Moose tracks ice cream

After eating you both decide to stay at a park for some time cause you want to tell him whatever happen to you in past after he left.


Y/N- so i want to tell you whatever happen to me after you left.

SOOBIN- Say it. I am here for you ok?

I just nod and start telling him everything.

SOOBIN- Y/n you went to through so much. God you are so strong.

Y/N- i know right, I am.

SOOBIN- Let's go to your home okay?

Y/N- it's not a home it's a house.

SOOBIN- fine let's go to your house okay?

Y/N- fine let's go.


SOOBIN- Bye I will go now.

Y/N- WAIT! Come inside. Mom will be very happy to see you after so many years.

SOOBIN- Fine let's go. I am also excited to meet her.

We went inside and i yelled.

Y/N- MOM!!

After some second mom show up.

MOM- What happen y/n why did you yelled?

Y/N- Mom you won't believe whom I met today.

MOM- Whom you met?

Y/N- Mom i met soobin. Ya Soobin come inside.

SOOBIN- Hello aunty.

Soobin said after entering in the house.

MOM- omo Soobin you?

SOOBIN- Yes aunty it's me.

Soobin hugged Mom.

Y/N- Ahem ahem.. I guess I am invisible.

SOOBIN/MOM- Aish drama queen... Come here.

They said and spread their arms for me. I went and hug them.

Y/N- omo what a reunion. You both making me emotional.

SOOBIN/MOM- Haha.. Such a crybaby.

Y/N- i am not a crybaby.

SOOBIN/MOM- ya ya we know.

MOM- Btw Soobin how you are here?

SOOBIN- Actually dad decided to shift here. And i saw y/n today at school so we decide to hang out. Then she ask me to come here to meet you.

MOM- Ok.. Come inside.

SOOBIN- Oh..no aunty i will take my leave now. Mom must be waiting for me.

MOM- fine but come again. It's been a long time since we met.

SOOBIN- Yes aunty i will.

Y/N- Am I really invisible.

SOOBIN- Yes you are.. I can't see where you are?

Y/N- Ya ya whatever.. You are still a jerk.

I said and rolled my eyes.

SOOBIN/MOM- Someone is jealous.

Y/N- I am not jealous.

My stepbrothers~ [BTS ff]Where stories live. Discover now