the cult's little

19 2 6

The apartment building wasn’t big, but it was the closest thing this “camp” could get to a proper housing system. If you can do that. They labeled it as a religious camp...that you stay at for 5 years of your life without leaving. In total. It was stupid and Tommy wanted to burn it down. 

Tommy believed in what they were teaching, but he still found it stupid that if he didn't go here, he would be stuck in Eternal Pain and Suffering once he dies. Quite stupid if you ask him. But thankfully, he was turning 17 tomorrow and he would be aloud to leave if he aced the stupid ass test.

The test was just to see if you were faithful. By knowing the right answer to every question… Anyways. When the morning came, Tommy wore the outfit required for today. A perfectly white button up, a pair of men's dress pants, dress shoes, and that gods forsaken tie. 

Tommy hated to wear ties, and they never made him wear the tie they gave him, so any chance he got, he would buy colorful, weird ties. But today… Today he had to wear the tie they gave. A red, green, and yellow plaid tie with the weird ass symbol of this weird ass camp in the dead center.

Tommy had even slicked his hair to the side, to do him having to "look public ready", whatever the fuck that means. Arriving at the door, the big spruce doors, engraved with the tail of how The Blood God won a war, by simply growing potatoes. What a weird tale, right? The BLOOD god, farming potatoes, to win a war against a Squid Kid. After staring at the door for a minute, to recall the story, Tommy pushed them open and walked into the church.

"Whose Death's Angle?"


"God of Music and Peace?"

"Wilbur soot."

"What makes Technoblade so different from the other Gods?"

"Technoblade has voices in his head that urge him to do some actions."

"Why do we keep a harp, a sword, a shield, and 3 withered roses in the Church at all times?"

"The harp to wish for peace throughout the church and camp grounds at all times, the sword to stand for bravery and protection, the 3 withered roses, to remind us that all the gods we know and love, were once humans, and they only became gods after tragic deaths. And the shield…" Ok, Shit-Fuck, god, what was the shield for again? Tommy had gone over this for like 16 hours yesterday!! Maybe it's the fact he's been sitting in this same chair for 2 hours as they ask him questions, if he's right, this is the last question... 

"Tom, you know this one..right?"

"yeah...yeah, the shield..." Wait!! Oh my god, it's to show how the gods will shield you from harm's way, if they see it as too much for you to take!! "The shield is to tell us how the gods will SHIELD us from harm if they find it too hard to take."

"... Correct Tommy, you got 100%. You're free to go and pack your stuff. Someone will be here in an hour to pick you up." HOLD. THE. FUCK. UP. OH MY GOD, HE ACED IT, HE REALLY DID HE CAN LEAVE!! HE CAN CURSE!! 

"FUCK YEEEEAAAAHHHH!!" All the people of the church heard as Tommy ran out jumping, happy to be leaving, and all they could do was chuckle. Little did all of them know, 3 gods were also watching, and in fact chuckling.

"Ok, I got my clothes, that aren't ugly ass suits…. My photos… The bracelet Tubbo made me.... Tubbo…" Tubbo had turned 17 before Tommy, and left a few months ago. The younger missed his friend, but he could understand the entire, not coming back thing. 

Maybe he'll see Tubbo again? Eh, maybe not. Tubbo always talked about wanting to live by the sea, and making music, even playing minecraft in his spare time. Meanwhile, Tommy wanted to live in a big city, vlog his life, and also play Minecraft in his spare time. 

That was the only thing Tommy and Tubbo really had in common. They both liked to play that stupid block game. Tubbo didn't even believe in the religion this place teaches!! For some reason though Tubbo had taken a liking to the God Ranboo. 

Why? Tommy didn't know. But Tubbo knew everything about Ranboo. What's so cool about the God of Memory? Philza is more badass. Death's angel? Considered a grim reaper? Pretty fucking cool. 

Tommy snapped out of his past thoughts. Continuing to pack, till his eyes glanced over his little and petre gear. He hadn't regressed since Tubbo left. Tubbo was his caregiver for a while. Would Tommy really need it? 

"Fuck it." Tommy grabbed all his gear and shoved it in his bag. Fuck this. He hid it in the very bottom of his bag. Far from anyone's eyes. 

Right as Tommy zipped up his suitcase, he heard honking outside. His ride must be here. Walking outside, Tommy saw his mother in her car. Fuck, nope he didn’t want to do this anymore. Last time he and his mother talked, they weren't on good terms. His mother got mad at him for failing 2 years in a row at school. And sent him off to this camp. What the fuck mom?

The ride back wasn't amazing. Tommy didn't talk to his mom at all, and decided, going to bed was better than arguing with her. So Tommy drifted off to sleep, with the thoughts of regressing still wandering in his mind. The fuzzy feeling making him even more tired.

When Tommy awoke it felt like someone was holding him like a baby and he could hear the distant sounds of people talking. 

One with a monotone like voice, filled with worry, and sounding nervous. 

Another had a softer voice, and he sounded really British, he sounded not so worried, more of happy? 

And the final voice was yelling, he seemed confused, and frightened. But Tommy couldn't really tell what they were saying, he was more tired than anything. 

So he turned over, mumbled a quick "Please shut the fuck up…" and went right back to sleep. The moment Tommy mumbled that the room went quiet. 

Techno stroked Tommy's hair, and muttered a quick "Sorry Toms.." only to realize Tommy was already asleep. I mean, it was a nine hour drive and Tommy didn't want to be up those entire nine hours.

I mean, this entire, someone holding him, and people he's never heard talking to, must be a dream. Right?

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