till not even death do us apart

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Ghostboo was on his way to find Tubbo. Oh my god he missed Tubbo!! Tubbo was his husband!! It may have only been 2 days since he last saw Tubbo, but did the ghost care? No, no he did not. He just wanted to find his husband. 

It didn't take Ghostboo long to find Tubbo. I mean, Ghostboo did remember a lot, and he IS married to Tubbo. But what he did not expect was to find his dearest husband crying at HIS grave, well...more of Ranboo's grave, but you get the point. 

"What’s up!! Tubbo!! How are you Tubbo!!" Ghostboo called out excitedly, causing Tubbo to jump at the sudden sound.

“SHIT FUCK PISS, OH GOD!” Tubbo breathed heavily for a minute, only to find it was his dead husband that scared him. "Oh um ghostboo...? What are you doing here?" The last thing Tubbo expected was for the ghost of his husband to show up. 

“Oh!! I was looking for you!! And you can call me boo, or something like that, you don't have to call me Ghostboo!!" Tubbo snickered at this, just slightly. 

"Ok Bossman, Boo, my beloved.'' Even with what Tubbo thought might be a sheet, covering Ghostboo's face, he could just FEEL that Ghostboo was smiling.

"It's such a good day to be dead!! Anyways, what were you doing beloved?" Tubbo wiped away some of his tears, looking up at Boo. 

"I'm not really doing anything, kinda upset, you know, with your death and all." Ghostboo turned his head like a confused puppy, why would Tubbo be sad...this is a good thing..!! 

"But beloved..!! It's a good thing I'm dead!! I was so annoying when I was alive!! I don't know how you married me!! But this is something to be happy about!! Im dead!! Im free beloved!! You know, how about you come with me and I show you some cool stuff I can do, for you to see it's a good thing!!" Ghostboo explained, genuinely confused on why his death was a sad thing.

Tubbo was in shock, and a little hurt… Most won't admit things like this, but he missed HIS Ranboo. The only reason Tubbo had his hair covering his eyes was so Ranboo didn't feel uncomfortable, now his hair is moved to the side. 

The only reason he didn't cover up his scars was cuz Ranboo would comfort him, but now he has no one to tell him how 'scars tell a story, and that story is what you should be proud of' and remove the unneeded bandages to cover the festival scars. This!! This ghost wasn't Ranboo, this wasn't HIS Ranboo.

"no Ghostboo, but is that what Ranboo thought… The part of him being annoying and that...'' Tubbo turned and made eye contact with Ghostboo. He hated how he was able to see him in the eyes, and honestly he might start hating eye contact in total. 

"Oh yeah!! He totally hated himself!! I wouldn't be surprised if he hates himself more, now that he's dead!!"

What. Ranboo, really hated himself..?

Is this a book yet?: no<3

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