Jack Grazer

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You were sat on the couch in yours and Jack's shared apartment. You were bored out of your mind so you decided to read some fanfiction. It was a simple Jack Grazer x reader book, you were mostly laughing at some of the things. It wasn't completely accurate but you didn't expect it to be. It was just something to do.

You were so engrossed in the book you hadn't noticed Jack hovering over your shoulder long enough to realize.
J: whatcha reading, love?
You immediately turned off your phone and chucked it to the other side of the couch.
Y/n: nothing, just killing time scrolling through Instagram.
He gave you a 'really' look.
J: I know you were reading fanfiction about me
You're face flushed.
Y/n: I was not...
You crossed your arms trying to ignore him.
J: you are such a bad liar.
He let out a laugh sitting next to you.
J: if you wanted attention you could've just asked.
He hopped over the back of the couch pulling you into him.

Y/n: I'm not a bad liar.
Jack kissed your cheek.
J: yes, yes you are.
You tried to look offended but you knew he was right.
Y/n: you're not any better.
Jack kissed your cheek again.
J: baby, I'm an actor I can lie to anyone.
You narrowed your eyes at him.
Y/n: how come you suck at lying to me?
You had always been able to tell when he was lying to you. Whether it be the way his eyes darted or a slight quiver to his lip. In those cases he was trying to surprise you but nonetheless you had been able to tell he wasn't being truthful.
J: I just don't like lying to you, it makes me feel gross.
You kissed his lips.
Y/n: good to know we're on the same page, I don't like lying to you either.
He smiled at you then said.

J: so you gonna tell me the truth. You were reading fanfiction about me?
You groaned hiding your head in his chest.
Y/n: yeah
Your voice was barely audible but you knew he heard it from the way he laughed.
J: sorry I didn't hear that.
You groaned again.
Y/n: yes
He smiled at you.
J: damn I'm just that irresistible, even when I'm not in the room you're reading fanfiction about me.

You groaned louder.
Y/n: just when I thought your ego couldn't get any bigger
He smirked.
J: you know what else is big
You immediately covered his mouth not allowing him to finish.
Y/n: shut up
Just a short imagine as it's thursday and I'm trying to write a bunch for the upcoming week :)

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