Max Mills request for Erin

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It was snowing which didn't happy often in the UK, so you were beyond excited. You approached Max who was in the living room area scrolling through TikTok. You sat down next to him wrapping your arms around him pushing your self between his arms. He looked at you with an amused look on his face.
M: Hello baby, what up?
You smiled at him then said.
Y/n: well it's snowing maybe we could go outside and play in it
Max smiled at you, shaking his head slightly at your childish antics. You quite literally had the biggest, cheesiest smile on your face at the moment, as you said a couples of pleases.

Max nodded watching as you got up and did a little dance letting out a squeal before leaving the living room to get on your coat and boots.
When you were finally dressed for the weather Max was also ready and had a beanie in his hand. He put the beanie on your head as he kissed your forehead.
M: do you have the gloves?
You nodded handing him a pair of knit gloves.

As soon as you were both out of the house and in your front yard, you threw a snow ball at him. He immediately whipped towards you then grabbed some of the snow forming it into a ball and throwing it at you. This went on for a while as you both just kept throwing snow at the other. Laughs flowing form the both of you as snow continued to fall from the sky.

Anyone who would have seen you both would have been able to tell you were absolutely smitten over the other. The way you both would stop throwing snowballs to make sure the other was alright or if the other showed the slightest bit of pain. You both had huge smiles on your faces and laughs were flowing from the both of you. It truly looked like something that would be in an edit with the song Absolutely Smitten playing. You're absolutely smitten, you'll never let them go

Eventually you were both laying down in the snow making snow angels.
Y/n: I'm cold
You still had a smile on your face as you said it.
M: we could go inside, get changed into comfy clothes, have some hot chocolate, and we can cuddle under the electric blanket.
You smiled sitting up nodding, you got all the way up holding out your hand for Max as he took it you pulled him up causing you to almost slip, but Max grabbed hold of you keeping you upright. You smiled at him letting a small laugh fall from your lips as your cheeks flamed red.

As soon as you both were inside, and changed into cozy clothes, you both were in the kitchen making hot cocoa. Your arms were around his waist, your head against his back.
Y/n: I love you
Max smiled as he continued to make the hot chocolate.
M: I love you too

The rest of the day was spent watching movies and cuddling on the couch, underneath an electric blanket.

I hope you liked it :)
Word count: 534

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