"Why not right now? We can practice while we wait for dinner." Kakashi said looking at me.

"Oh-oh... ok!" I quickly got to my feet.

Kakashi jumped up smoothly. I stared at him wondering how he was so smooth about it. He looked down and sighed.

"I don't have any ninja tools with me." He said a bit disappointed.

"I don't have any at all." I said sadly.

"Well do you know how to control your chakra?" He asked looking at me blankly.

I stared at him kind of embarrassed. "I've never used my chakra." I blushed and looked at the ground.

"Oh." He was surprised. "We'll start with that. Close your eyes and focus on your body. You should be able to feel it flow through you."

I closed my eyes letting my body relax. I tried to focus on my entire body. It was hard to feel anything. I thought that maybe I should try narrowing my focus. I brought my attention to my center. In my center I felt something flowing that went to the rest of my body.

"I feel something flowing in my center." I said keeping my eyes closed.

"Now try to move that to your feet." He instructed.

I focused on the energy. I visualized the energy moving to my feet. It was much easier to feel now. The feeling moved to my feet.

I opened my eyes to look to Kakashi. He wasn't standing where he was before. I looked around for him. He was nowhere in sight. A cherry hit me in the shoulder. I looked up at the lowest branch on our cherry tree. Kakashi had somehow gotten on the branch. I could tell by his eyes he was smiling.

"How'd you get up there?" I asked shocked.

"I focused a little chakra to my feet and jumped up here." He explained still smiling. "Try it."

"Oh..." I walked over standing under the branch he was on.

I focused my chakra to my feet. Picturing the motion of jumping I prepared to jump. I pushed off of my feet trying to use my chakra. Unsuccessfully I jumped like I normally would. Kakashi giggled at my attempt. Trying again I failed. I kept trying getting frustrated. Kakashi watched me closely.

"You have to imagine it like a burst." He explained. "You're just releasing your chakra back into your body."

I sighed looking at my feet. Maybe the ninja academy wasn't a good choice for me. Stopping myself I thought about the fact that thinking like that would only bring me down.

I focused hard on my feet. I gathered as much chakra as I could. I scrunched down preparing to jump. I pushed off of the ground and imagined my chakra giving me a push. I jumped about a foot higher, but I was still far from reaching the branch.

"Good job!" Kakashi praised. "You're starting to get it!"

I looked up at him with a smile. "I'll be up there in no time."

"Kids! Dinner is ready!" I heard mom yell from the back door.

Kakashi jumped down beside me. He landed softly on his feet. Placing his hand on my head he ruffled my hair.

"You'll get there!" He smiled.

The rain started to come down. We looked at eachother. It was pouring down hard. We ran to the house side by side. Opening the door we could smell the curry. We hurried to the table where mom had already set out dinner.

We sat on our cushions on the floor. Dad joined us looking happy. I noticed Kakashi pulled down his mask. He was so cute!

"So, you're enrolled in the ninja academy. That's a brave step to take, Shiro." Dad said with a smile.

I nodded with a mouthful of curry and rice.

"She will make a great shinobi I'm sure." Mom boasted.

"I'm nervous about meeting all of the other kids." I confessed.

"I'll be there. Maybe we'll have the same home room." Kakashi seemed excited.

Mom smiled softly at us. Dad seemed pretty happy too. I continued eating feeling confident knowing I'd have at least one friend.

We finished dinner while mom and dad talked about the pottery shop. Dad said he was working on a new tea pot design for some jonin leader in the village. He seemed pretty excited about it. Kakashi and I helped mom clear the table.

"I should probably get home. Dad is probably wondering where I am." Kakashi said standing in the livingroom.

"Maybe you could come over tomorrow." Mom chimed in cleaning dishes.

"I'd like that." I added.

Kakashi smiled. "We can hang out tomorrow."

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