"You three could've killed me!" I yelled.

"Sorry Coco we told them no pickles. We had no idea" Connor apologized.

I sighed and looked at the three of them. They all had scared and relieved looks on their faces. They could've lost me and they would've blamed themselves. "It's okay, it wasn't your fault."

After they were completely sure that I was okay, I practically forced them to hang out with their friends. I turned to Will who was looking into my eyes with worry.

"Are you sure you're okay, Cora?" He asked seriously.

I nodded silently. "I promise" I whispered.

"How many times am I going to have to take care of you in one day, Barnes?"

I shrugged. "As many times as I let you, Erickson." His perfect smiled spread across his face.

"That's better" I poked his dimples.

"What do you like when I smile?"

I shrugged and said nonchalantly, "You have a nice smile and you were far too worried before"

He looked at me like I grew three heads or something. "You almost just died, I think I have a right to be worried about you, Cora."

I groaned and threw my head back. "Don't call me that."

"Call you what? Cora? I hate to break to break it to you, but that was the name that was given to you." He laughed. "What do you want me to call you?"

"I don't know just not Coco. It's a family thing and you haven't earned that right, at least not yet."

"Okay" He pondered for a second. "I'll have to think about it but I will find another nickname."

"Will!" The boys called and Will turned to them. "Tell Coop that the stealers won the superbowl in '06 not the seahawks"

Will walked into the living room and began arguing with the boys.

Through all the commotion I could hardly hear the doorbell ring. I opened the door to see my best friend.

"Rem!" I squealed and hugged her.

"What did I miss?" She asked.

"I almost died, but it's okay we had an EpiPen." She gave me a confused and concerned look. "I'm severely allergic to pickles and the stupid burger place put pickles on my burger and I didn't realize until too late" I explained.

All the boys watched as Remi walked into the house. They were practically drooling over her. My redheaded best friend was hot as hell and definitely worth too much for these guys. These guys are mainly dicks, from what I've seen of them so far, except for maybe Darren, he seems like the sweetest guy. She has Bryce so it really didn't matter.

"Sorry guys I'm out of your league" She smiled and waved before she looked at me. With that one look we both busted into laughter.

For the rest of the night, the boys fought a lot. There was a lot of wrestling and arguing. Remi and I had the time of our lives and for that I was glad.


Everyone went home except for Will and Remi. We sat around the fire in the backyard. Will and I sat on a bench and Carter and Remi on another and Cooper and Connor on the last one.

"Ah I will forever love summer nights like these" I sat back with a smile. I heard the crackling of the fire and you could actually see the stars. In Dallas, you could hardly see any due to light pollution, but out here they were visible for anyone to see.

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