♡︎𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝘁𝘄𝗼♡︎

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My eyes flicker a bit as I feel myself drifting away from my dream and into a conscious state, after a few more seconds I soon fully open my eyes, still drowsy, I yawn and then sit up on my bed, pulling away my warm and comfortable blanket, just as I got up I heard my name being called from down stairs "Y/N! Time for breakfast! Get down here subito!" I heard my Aunt call out, I sigh and fix myself a bit, before replying with a loud "Coming!", I then make my way to the kitchen, rubbing my eye lids "Sleep well?" My Aunt asks, setting up the plates and food "Yeah, thanks for asking" I say, plopping myself to my seat "I'm in a hurry so I can only explain this to you once, so, listen up okay?" My Aunt says, shoving her food down her throat "Mhm" I hum, taking my time to eat "I have work, and since we worked hard last night to re-decorate the spare room, we slept late, and I forgot to set my alarm clock- mannagia! 8:26 already?! Okay, I have to go, bye!" My Aunt says, tossing her plate in the sink before leaving the house "Okay.." I say, a bit unsettled of what just happened.

Once I was done with my food I placed it on the sink and decided to stay in my room, unsure of what to do, I stare at the people from my window, seeing them have fun made me smile, as seeing people happy made me as well, but soon enough I got bored and plopped myself on my bed "Ugh.. This is sooo boring" I say to myself, staring at the ceiling, after a while of contemplating I decided to go outside, not before taking a shower and putting on my best outfit so I'd "fit in".

I take a deep breathe as I stand in front of the door, I'm just gonna go outside, why was I so nervous and scared? After a while of more hesitating I finally twist the door knob and take my first step out, there were a bunch of kids playing nearby which made me kinda feel awkward, but those are just kids, what harm can they do? I then start walking into the Plaza trying not to make eye contact with anyone, and just as I was about to turn on a corner, almost the same thing happened again, this time, the vehicle had stopped and parked beside me "Cos'hai che non va, idiota!?" The driver yelled out, I take a quick look at him and see that he was wearing a polo shirt with some shade of blue on it, with little light blue stripes along with it, he was also wearing shorts with a color I couldn't identify, and with shoes I think were Loafers "Hey! Non ignorarmi!" He yelled again glaring at me "Uhm.. Sorry.. I don't.." I pause, in a loss of words, he soon gets the gist of it and chuckles "You're not from around here, are you?" He says, lifting a brow as he smirks, his English accent sounded funny but his words did make sense "Yeah.. No, I just moved here.. Yesterday" I quietly say, trying not to make eye contact "Hey! Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He exclaims, getting closer to my face "I-I'm sorry" I say, with my legs trembling as I shakily move my eyes to meet his "Aww, isn't this cute! Piccolina here is getting all scared! And over what? Just from eye contact?" The man laughed, making me furrow my eye brows in embarrassment, I started to get annoyed so I decided to just walk away, no questions asked, just then, I feel someone pull my shoulder, forcing me to stay "I wasn't done with you Piccolina" The man said, sounding quite upset, I feel my breath get stuck in my throat as I turn my head to face him, I just wanted to go out, why did this have to happen?! "Turn around, face me" He demanded, hardening his grip on my shoulder, I do as I was told, keeping eye contact "Good" He says as he smirks, just then, the girl from yesterday bikes in between us, saving me from the man "Ercole! Fermare!" The girl yelled out, standing in between us, I pause for a second, Ercole? Haven't I heard that name before? I soon realize that this was the same man who had almost hit us just yesterday "Sembra che il nostro 'eroe' sia qui!" The man, or Ercole says, laughing to himself, whatever he said just seemed to annoy Giulia more "Stai Zitto, Ercole!" Guilia says, glaring at him as she looks at me "Hop on" She says, gesturing the cart attached to her bike "Okay.." I quietly say, nervously sitting on the spot she pointed me to sit on "Till' we meet again, evil empire of injustice!" She exclaims, blowing a raspberry on him, a few moments later she stops biking and looks at me "Are you okay?" She asks "Yeah, thanks" I say, smiling a little "You're welcome! Oh, are you here for the Portorosso cup?" She asks, smiling excitedly "The what?" I ask, confused "You know.. The race, winner gets some prize money and.." Guilia pauses, getting the gist of it as she slaps her forehead "Sorry to bother you, It's nothing, really" Guilia says, laughing nervously as she gestures me to get off "If you say so" I say, hopping off "Well, see you around!" Guilia says, as she starts to bike off, so, what now? I barely did anything, my mom wanted me to be productive anyway, so why not tag along? "Wait!" I yell out, causing her to stop her bike as she turns her head to look at me "Could.. Could I maybe come with you?" I nervously ask, smiling like an idiot "Sure! I could use the company! Hop on!" She says, smiling excitedly as I run up to her cart "Okay, andiamo!" She says, biking off.

"𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚" ♥︎ 𝗘𝗿𝗰𝗼𝗹𝗲 𝘅 𝗥𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿 ♥︎ 𝗟𝘂𝗰𝗮 Where stories live. Discover now