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Part 3 of bird (last part)

Part 1: bird

Part 2: pain can spread

Part 3: alive



mention of suicide

slight intrusive thoughts



I sat on the edge of the couch Reza was sleeping on. "Miguel.. do you think he'll be okay?" I asked. Miguel just looked and me and glanced at Reza. "I don't know.." he looked back at me. "I'll check the news, I am suspecting something might have happened, like- never mind."  He stared down at his pockets and pulled out his phone and began looking on the news. "Holy shit." 


"Matt come here."

I jumped off the couch I was sitting on and walked over to the couch Miguel was sitting on and looked at his phone. I was. speechless

Seungho jumped off a building. The witness was Reza. (Damn news outlets are fast)

"No wonder why Reza seemed so off.." I glanced at Reza, who was still sleeping peacefully. After a long silence, Miguel got up and walked towards Reza and only looked at him. "What should we do?' He asked, still looking down. "We definitely cant ask him about it. He'd go crazy." I sighed and got up. "The best thing we can do is give him some time and help him through this, then visit Seungho," I answered. He nodded, looking up. "What do you want to do while we wait for him to wake up?" I asked. "Hmm, I don't know. Video games?" "Ight bet" I smirked. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Miguel sounded so concerned I was about to burst. "Oooh, nothing. It's just.. you fucking suck." "Fuck you." 

Few hours later

"FUCK YOU MATEO" Miguel screamed as he lost. "HOW ARE YOU SO TRASH AT THIS GAME??" I laughed until my ribs were hurting.






I think we were too loud as Reza woke up and heard the conversation. "I don't know what I just woke up to, but I'm kinda liking it" he chuckled, which made me kinda smile. "REZA ARE YOU OK??" Miguel jumped up and tackled him in a hug. Just Miguel being himself, like normal. I got up and smiled. "So, how do you feel?" I asked. "Much better," Reza replied.

 "Would you like to talk about it?" 


"Okay, would you like to visit Seungho then and see if he got better yet?"

He paused and looked at me, still laying on the floor. "How do you know about Seungho's situation?" 

"Miguel looked on the news."


There was a long silence in the room.

"No, not yet. Too early." he finally said. "Alright then," I said. "What would you like to do then?" He thought about this for a moment. "Beat Miguel's ass in video games since he fucking sucks," he smirked.



A couple of weeks have passed, Reza hadn't gotten updated at all about Seungho which was really worrying him. Me and Miguel have been trying to comfort him, but I don't think we can anymore. He is getting out of hand and blames himself for not being able to save Seungho. It really hurts me to see him like this. He was normally the happiest kid I knew ever since we were in 5th grade. 

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