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It has been a couple of weeks since Spamton and Swatch started dating. And they could happily say things had started going their way!

For starters, Swatch convinced Queen, after days of non-stopping work, to let Spamton return to the mansion, not as a guest but to help Swatch in the café. It was not easy, at all, but they got it. So now they had their funny boyfriend at the café everyday without having to hide him. Now, he didn't just help the Swatchlings in the kitchen, but he also came with the new poster to advertise Color Café! He had some good ideas and he really seemed to enjoy it.

What he also enjoyed were Friday nights where he got to reunite with his siblings. They got to talk about everything that happened in their week, and it was stress-relieving for the Addisons. Although, there was one night when Spamton's siblings decided it was a good idea to finally meet Swatch. Spamton objected the idea, not because of his partner, but because of his siblings. Sadly, they weren't taking a no for an answer.

That night was filled with embarrassing Spamton stories that made Swatch laugh. Spamton pretended he was mad but the look on their face made every second worth it. There was some teasing on Radio's side and kind of a "shovel-talk" from Survey and Banner, which made Spamton chuckled with how funny it was. What wasn't funny was Video's real and passive-aggressive shovel-talk. It even made Swatch's tail tense at the idea. It was a good night at the end. But he wasn't bringing Swatch to another in a long time.

Now, with the couple's new incomings from their jobs, Swatch had the idea of getting a different apartment. Spamton rejected at first, arguing that their little space functioned for them! As soon as Swatch showed him the lay out of the place they had in mind, he agreed. It had areas confectioned to his height and the master bedroom was now big enough for them both! It also had 2 spare rooms for whenever his siblings or the Swatchlings wanted to stay. But the cherry on top was definitely the amazing view they would have of the Cyber Fields.

Even thought things were going greatly, there were still some bad days for Spamton. Days when the voices went hard on him, when his mind tried to convince him that this would be over soon. Days when he heard the phone ringing. Those days, the couple usually took a little break, and they would take things slower. Swatch reassuring him in every way they could without overwhelming him. It wasn't always as easy as that, but they were taking it one day at a time.

And speaking of taking it a day at a time, Swatch was loyal to their promise. They have given Spamton as much time and space as he needed, and they have been taking baby steps in their relationship. They were more than fine with that. If it was for them, they would wait for an eternity if it meant having Spamton. The thing was that said salesman was thinking that they may be ready to take bigger steps. Not like a [[BIG]] one but maybe a little bit more of intimacy would be nice? He was just troubled as to how to express that to Swatch.

Their communication was something they were still working on. Swatch was straight forward sometimes, and they hated it because they thought it made Spamton uncomfortable, but sometimes it was necessary. On the other hand, Spamton had still trouble to talk about things, specifically, relationship things.

So, he did what he does best! Make a bid deal out of everything and hope for the best!

The plan, designed by Spamton, approved by him too, was divided into three steps. Number one, take Swatch to a fancy restaurant that he could not afford but thanks to his siblings he got reservations! Step two, take them to their seasoned festival and try to win them something big! Third step... whatever happens at the Ferris Wheel.

It worked... maybe. He may have had a different thing in mind. The restaurant was good, but the food was smaller than he expected. Also, a lot of people kept staring at them and the puppet knew they couldn't believe Swatch was with him. He was about to attack a waiter for trying to flirt with his partner. Fortunately, Swatch stopped any move they made towards him. They ended up leaving before dessert.

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