Why did you never tell me..?

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(⚠Transgender William, cheating mentions, Murder, smut) /I also cringed at this/

Today was a Normal day at work for the two boys. Children running around, being little shits, Adults playing Chinese whispers about other parents. The younger workers doing their best to keep the kids calm. While William and Henry were on their break. Both enjoying a smoke after a stressful day. Their glad the days coming to an end.

"Today was rougher than usual.. Dont you agree Will?" The smaller male looked up at taller one who let out a sigh and nodded in agreement. "Im telling you. These kids dont get any easier to deal with." William said in a frustrated tone. Dropping his cigarette to the floor and stomping on it. "Well.. We best head in shouldn't we Hen?"

Henry nods, also throwing down his cigarette and stomping on it, They both walk inside and to their shared office, Both males had their separate parts of the office, they made their own space their own way, Williams side was more purple and had photos of Him and henry, aswell as the kids there. His wife was never saw in any photos around William. Henrys side was just the average looking, he had a photo of him and charlie, and a ripped up side of where his wife (Now ex-wife) used to stand. He also had some flower pots, Henry liked to keep it simple.

William and Henry would be working longer tonight, they have some paper work to fill out, it shouldn't take long at all. Atleast for Henry anyway, William finds it quite a struggle to do the papers, Usually Henry will help him finish things on the paper that william couldn't do. It made it easy on the both of them. ...



It was heading close to midnight, the two still working away at the paperwork, Henry was flying through the papers, he was nearly finished already "Im on the last paper will! What about you?" Henry said in delight, He was excited to go home already. Henry looked over at his co-worker William and saw him there with still a good few papers left on his side, and a frustrated sigh left William as he chucks all the papers to the floor in a rage. "Why the fuck do we have to use math in this?! For fucks sake im running a pizzarea business not a school or bank! ..."

Henry saw William Clearly annoyed, He let out a soft sigh and stood up, walking over to the male and picking up the papers thrown to the ground, setting them down neatly on the desk, Then he looks at William and smiles at him "Want me to help you Mr. Grump?" Henry says in a joking way. Walking around to beside his friend, setting a piece if unfinished work infront of the two. "Lets do this together okay William? You could've asked for help you know?" Henry almost said as a soft whisper as he leant down closer to Williams face.

Williams cheeks soon turned a rosey red the closer Henry came, while letting out a huff, Looking everywhere besides to Henry. William always had a small crush on Henry, even despite the fact he has a wife, who.. Clearly doesn't love him like she used to. Especially after finding out some things about William.

"Get any closer you may aswell fucking sit on me." William said sarcastically, obviously not meaning what he said. Henry though, Took it as an invitation. He moved Williams chair back enough for Henry to be able to plop himself down on Williams lap, getting comfortable on his new seat. "Thanks for the offer will" Henry hummed, Now starting to get on with the work. "I.. I-i didn't mean it literary! You little shit!"
Henry found it quite amusing, Williams reactions. He moved around a bit to get comfortable, then leaned his head back in Williams neck and kissed it softly. "You alright Willy~?" Henry teased.
Williams blush grew and he done everything To look the opposite way.

Henrys gaze always met William no matter where he looked. He gave in to the lustful man and teasing. "W-what are you planning Hen..?" William mumbled. It made Henry laugh seeing William like this. The usual big scary man, now acting like a pathetic bottom boy. It was adorable.
Henry turned around to face William on his lap, leaning closer to the red faced mans lips and licks them teasingly "May we have a little kiss, handsome?" Henry giggled. William wasn't sure what to say.. He wanted this.. But he didnt want the same reaction his wife had gave him. "I-i uh.." William was stuck on his words. Horny, scared, flustered, anxious.. Everything that could ever possibly ruin a situation like this.

 William x henry ⚠SMUT⚠  This Is Cringe Asf  💀 (Discontinued)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant