He was happy about Louis' planning but the problem was he should be the one in the driver's seat while Louis sit beside him, they both laughing and giggling. But it was Zayn, fucking Zayn!

"I'll financially help you, Lou. We'll raise the baby together and with love." He called out from behind and Louis' heart fluttered, yet he didn't wanted to look like a freaking gold digger so he looked behind,

"I know you will, but only the child. I can help myself, Harry." He said and the rest of the ride was quite Except for Zayn doing Unnecessary things which made Louis giggle senselessly and seriously Harry loved Louis' giggling sounds, if possible wants to record it and listen to that sounds along with his pretty moans and pants but the only problem here is, He isn't the cause for those giggles right now,

Zayn is.

And that infuriated him, clenching his jaw he removed his new iPhone that he got just yesterday before landing back in London and decided to text Niall that he'll be back in the gallery tomorrow and that The Irish man can take a holiday of a week as he's been working constantly without Harry on the watch.

"Oi shut up, you love my cuddles." Louis laughed and If it was up to Harry Zayn would be dead right fucking now with his body deep under six feet.

"That I do Tommo and here we are, how're you feeling, babe?" Zayn asked stopping at the front of the hospital, Louis smiled, "Just a bit nervous first pregnancy and all." He assured and then from the rear view mirror looked at Harry who was already staring at him,

The attention from the deep dark emerald orbs had his cheeks burning and biting on his pink lip, he opened the door before rushing out, Harry followed suit and Zayn went to park the car, in silence they waited for him to arrive and when he did, the trio walked in.

"Hello Mr.Tomlinson. I assume this is your first time in here?" Dr. Swift greeted and Louis nodded, only two people were allowed to enter inside as safety precautions from the virus and all so Zayn stayed outside While Harry and Louis were inside.

"Uhmm yeah." The doctor then smiled and continued asking his issue, Louis told her about his usual morning sickness, the way he gets nauseous over everything that he eats nowadays and then the pregnancy tests, Doctor Swift explained him that it was a normal occurrence but then she told that not always the tests are hundred percent right just like birth controls and condoms,

So to confirm that Louis was really pregnant she took some blood and told them to wait for another two hours for the result,

"What if I'm not pregnant, Harry?" Louis asked and for the first time Harry felt vulnerability in his own self, he didn't even wanted to think about it so he pulled Louis in for a hug, his mouth on top of his head as he whispered things to him, Zayn consoled him too and soon two hours later the test results were out,

Louis was indeed pregnant and now the doctor asked him to lay down for the ultrasound, she applied some really cool gel on his flat tummy which brought goosebumps over his body and it was the first time Harry noticed the very very tiny pudge on his stomach. His heart swelled with pride and happiness when they watch the tiny bean of happiness on the computer screen when doctor Swift rubbed her wand like thing on his gelled tummy.

"That's the semi-uterus and there the small bean like structure is your baby, there's no heartbeat yet as it is quite tiny but besides it there is no problem till so far. You want images for this?" She asked after informing them,

"Yes please." Harry quickly said his eyes never leaving the black very tiny bean on the screen, "How long am I?" Louis asked too overwhelmed by looking at the little life in him,

"Four and a half weeks." And both boys looked at each other, eyes flashing with recognition as they grasped the information that their baby might be conceived when Harry had fucked Louis in the shower, raw. It was very quick, also their second time using no condom, Louis was washing himself when Harry had entered in the shower his fingers deep inside Louis who's back was arched up asking for more,

Harry ended up fucking him and both had didn't thought about this because Louis was on pills.

"How long till we hear the heartbeat and the gender?" Louis asked clearing his throat as he ripped away his eyes from green hungry ones, "Usually we hear the heartbeat in the early stages of the third or fourth week but since the fetus is quite tiny in you it's normal to hear that in the fifth or sixth week. And as for the gender that can be known in the sixteenth week. Would you like your boyfriend to stay here while I list out the journey of your pregnancy?"

"He's not—"

"Louis here can be very careless sometimes so yeah I'd like myself to be here as I can make sure he's healthy with our baby all the time." Harry piped in and Louis silently glared at him, not making a scene out of it he nodded at the doctor,

"Well I'll write you some prenatal vitamins which will help you during your pregnancy and vomit, nausea, bloating and yeah mood swings are quite normal at this stage. The first trimester is usually the hardest with all the throwing up and stuffs, also you can have sex until the eighth month during that time the babies are quite matured and can pop out anytime. No alcohol, if you take just a little champagne and that too up till the third month and after that I recommend no alcohol it effects the baby. For now I don't see any problem with you or the child but don't take stress of any sort and you," she pointed her pen at Harry who was intently listening,

"Take care of the mother, Handle the mood swings, his midnight cravings and no red meat, no frozen food," at this Harry looked at Louis who rolled his eyes with blushing cheeks,

"No raw foods, also the mother should not cry much or starve herself." She warned and Harry nodded,

"I'll try my best Dr. Swift. Now when do we come back again?" Harry questioned,

"After a week. Here are the pictures, if you have any more questions please do ask."

"Uhmm taking parental classes are helpful?" Harry asked and Swift smiled,

"Yes it is." Louis smacked his forehead at the man's question,

"Okay last question can Lou eat raw cookie dough, I know it's not exactly healthy but he loves it too much and even when I refuse him he steals it and eat them, so like can he?" He asked and Louis smacked his arm his cheeks hot,

"No he can't, I know he'll be tempted to do that a lot but if the dough contains raw eggs even a tastes could pose risk. So no he can't." Harry thanked him and just when he was about to ask another question Louis was rushing towards him, a hand over his mouth,

"And we are done, thanks Doctor." He said and taking the pictures of his four and a half weeks ultrasound walked out,

"Why didn't you let me ask her?" Harry whined once they were out, "Because you are an idiot! Who even asks questions like that?"

"I do, it was for your own good, Lou. Anyways Are you hungry?" He asked and Louis nodded, Zayn met them halfway through and Louis filled him in,

Leaving out the part which said he's allowed to have sex till his eighth month as it was too personal and didn't felt right to speak out loud.

Since The Doctor asked Louis to eat Healthy Harry asked Zayn to leave them home and he decided to make some good food for him.

Louis was craving some spaghetti and meatballs, that is what Harry made for him and the pregnant boy ended up eating two full plates of it. Harry was happy that Louis no longer fought about the food thing and then he smiled looking at the pictures of Louis' first ultrasound,

He had a spare frame so he quickly filled it up and then kept it in his bag, after all he needed to collect them for their future kids to know, his new place was almost ready and he so badly wanted to win Louis back so that he can inform him bout that and they can shift over to that place building their own future.

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