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Y/n pov

I wasn't lying when I told Lance I felt unwell, I don't think the ice was as kind to me as the process Alurra used. He was a sweet boy, Lance I mean, maybe a little annoying but it was nice to have someone want my company. The jacket weighed on my shoulders as I entered my room once again. I had begun to remove it as I noticed the picture on my wall was aligned perfectly with the rest. Not how I left it. I knew I hadn't been gone long enough for someone to have snuck in, found my journal, and left. My eyes stayed on the painting a moment longer. I cursed at myself, this would be totally humiliating if I was wrong and I was alone in my room.  Adjusting the painting, I didn't turn my head I spoke.
"I'm going to the kitchen, you have five minutes to put it back and leave." As I was leaving I paused. Was I making a mistake, should of I called them out?  I knew Keith had to have been in my room, he knew I was with Lance and I know he doesn't trust me.
The kitchen was impressively clean when I entered. Hunk stood over a batch of muffins.
"They smell amazing, Hunk." I gasped.
"Y/n, perfect you're Altaen right? I can't figure out what toppings you guys use."
I stood next to him, gesturing towards the fresh muffins. "Do you mind?"
"Not at all."
The muffins were a bright blue which usually indicated they would be inedible, however, the eroma I could smell from them was god tier. As soon as my teeth hit the muffin I cried out in pain, I should've known he'd mistaken some ingredient.
"Oh y/n I'm so sorry I must've used the wrong flour  again. I was so sure I got it this time."
A single tear fell from my eye as I covered my mouth. I didn't dare open my mouth to respond incase I found a severe lack of teeth.

Keith POV
Although she had to know it was me, y/n still let me go. I'm not sure why. Maybe, this psychology trick she's playing on me is simply just so I feel guilty and put it back without reading it, like I owe it to her not to read it just because she didn't call me out. I slipped easily out from under the bed and continued what I was doing before being interrupted. Now readers, I promise you I really do have morals, I promise I am a good person, however this choice I made was to make sure my family was protected. The camera clicked as I snapped pictures of as many pages as I could. 3 minutes had passed when I had made my way through the entire book.

Back in my room the guilt played on me. My phone lay beside me as I tried to convince myself it was for a good cause to invade this girl's privacy. Instinctively, I sat up when I heard a knock at the door.
"Uhh yeah." My face dropped as I saw y/n slide open the door. Fuck my life.
"Hi," she smiled. "I just wanted to go around and see everyone, to thank you all for your kindness."
Now this girl is really playing mind games with me. She had to know it was me under the bed, I was most against her staying so why is she acting like such a sweetheart? If she wanted to play this way. That's how it would be. "It's no problem really, we are voltron after all. Who would we be if we turned you away?"
She giggled softly, making her way into my room. She didn't walk as confidently as she had before, there was hesitation in her step. A forced my smile down, she was quite cute when she was awkward.
"I know it's going to be hard for you to all get used to me being around, it's such a big change. So please, let me know if there's anything I can do to help." By now she had seated herself next to me on the bed. "That's all I came for. Bye!" And just like that. As fast as she had arrived, she had left. Was the point of that conversation to subtly hint she knew it was me? Now I was more suspicious than ever, I had to look at the photos. My hand patted around the bed searching, weird, it was right he- that bitch. Not only is she a liar, she's also a thief. I had to let the other paladins know we had a thief on our ship. I exited my room, practically running Lance over.
'Lance, I need to tell you something about y/n.'
'I know you're into her, so sorry bro but she's in love with me.'
'No what? I'm not- no that's not- in love with- no?'
'Dude, it's all over ur face every time you see her. Too bad though.'
Obviously, Lance was not the right person to talk to about this, storming off I went to find someone who would listen.
I heard Lance call out after me. 'Flustered much!'
Okay- I was not. I waited in the elevator, thinking about how I would break the news to Alurra. Which then got me thinking, I would have to admit to sneaking into y/n's room and going against our agreement not to read it. There was also the possibility y/n had already deleted the photos and placed the phone somewhere random, she could easily deny it then I would have admitted it all for nothing. The elevator slowed to let someone in, Allura.
'Keith? Are you alright, you look quite flustered.'
'Uhm. I didn't say anything about y/n. YOU'RE IN LOVE WITH HER???'
I think everyone on this ship for me is crazy, how could I be in love with a thief?

The lost Altaen (Keith x reader  voltron fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now