The journal

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Keith's pov

Stupid Lance and his stupid timing. The walls shook as the door abruptly slammed shut.  Once I was back in my room I ran my hands through my hair, I knew I had to get to the bottom of this, but how if everyone was already so smitten with her. Did y/n actually like Lance? I scold myself, why would that matter to me. I could always try talking to her again, but she lied once what's stopping her from doing it again. The door hissed as I left my room, once again, I headed down towards the spare room she's staying in. Considering she's with Lance she should be gone at least another hour or so. My eyes scanned the hallway to make sure no one had seen me. Clear. I slipped into the room quietly. It was significantly smaller than the rest of our rooms, it must have been a servants room when the ship was still a castle. However, she had already began decorating. Pictures and paintings scattered the walls, we had already looked through these when we salvaged them from her stolen ship. Decorations weren't the only thing we found, her journal, it had to be here somewhere. I voted for us to read it since she was resting when it was discovered, but Allura and Lance were pretty stubborn about 'privacy'. Well that 'privacy' is the reason we could be jeopardised. It wasn't under her bed, or pillow or in her draws. If I had a diary, which of course I don't, where would I hide it? Carefully, I made sure I placed everything back where it was originally. I scanned the room. On the farthest wall a painting stuck out to me, the image illustrated was of a horizon, a sunset.  Except instead of a warm light the sun emitted a dark cold grey across the land. However, that's not why it stuck out to me, it was the fact it literally stuck out. The canvas was thicker than the rest surrounding it. I took it off the wall, almost dropping it due to the unexpected weight. 'What?' I whispered. Taped to the back was the journal we had found. I placed the painting back on the wall after I removed the book.
'I really am sorry Lance, but I just feel unwell, can we postpone seeing the lions to another day?'
Shit. Shit shit shit shitshitshitshit. I slid under the bed, a classic hiding move, but I prayed it would work. I held my breath as the door hissed open and I saw y/n step in. My heart was beating so loud I was terrified she would hear it pounding against my chest. When she entered she sighed, taking off her jacket, her movements stopped midway suddenly. I tried to follow her eyesight. She was staring directly at the painting. Sliding her jacket back up her shoulders she slowly stepped towards the canvas. My chest tightened, I had fought wars and been in countless near death situations, but I don't think I've ever been so afraid. How could I explain being in her room, under her bed, the rest of the team would practically disown me. No air would dare enter or leave my lungs in case it made a sound. Tentatively, y/n adjusted the canvas making it appear slightly crooked. The most important detail I had missed, of course she had left it crooked, however I made the mistake of putting it back on the wall perfectly straight. The journal must have something incredibly important if she had gone to all this effort to hide it.

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