chapter 2

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Classical music played in a prestigious restaurant.

“Rosè over here,” Lisa said and waved her hand in the air.

Rosè walked to Lisa’s reserved table by a window. She wore tight clothes, she ignored the lustful stares and sat opposite Lisa.

“Lisaya, this isn’t your style,” Rosè said and swept her eyes around the restaurant. “It’s unlike you to waste your time eating at a place like this.”

“It was supervisor Seok Jin’s suggestion,” Lisa said.

Lisa could afford eating anywhere but she hated wasting time eating at restaurants.

“Seok Jin wants to get to know you?” Rosè asked.

“Unnie, don’t talk about my supervisor like that,” Lisa said.

“If he asked you to eat here with him then why did you ask me to be the third wheel?” Rosè asked.

“Unnie, last time you were mad at me for not making time to eat out with you,” Lisa said. “I have a new research project. I’ll be locked inside my lab for ten to fourteen days. So I wanted to eat with you while I’m free.”

“Lisaya, are you saving time by considering this as treating me a proper meal?” Rosè teased.

Rosè knew Lisa for many years. Lisa was a workaholic and would forget about everything else while Lisa worked. Luckily Leo was a genius and he knew how to take care of himself at a young age. If Lisa forgot to feed Leo, Leo would call Rosè to cook for him.

Suddenly a man in a suit sat next to Lisa. “Are you Lisa Manoban?” the man asked.

“Lisaya, do you know this man?” Rosè asked.

“No,” Lisa said.

“Hello I’m Felix,” Felix said.

Rosè got a bad vibe from Felix.

“Hello,” Lisa said politely.

“You don’t know who I am?” Felix asked.

“Why would lisa know who you are?” Rosè asked.

“I’m the CEO of Lei Thi and I’m Miss Manoban’s blind date,” Felix said.

“Blind date?” Lisa and Rosè asked.

Rosè looked at Lisa’s obliviousness and whispered in Lisa’s ear. “Lisa, what were you doing when Seok Jin asked you to eat with him?”

“Experimenting,” Lisa said.

Rosè sighed. She knew Lisa must have been too focused on work and only heard Seok Jin asked Lisa to eat at Kylie’s restaurant.

“Unnie, what do I do now?” Lisa asked.

“Eat,” Rosè said. “Order the most expensive dishes, he looks like a rich man.”

Lisa lost her appetite. She endured Felix talk about Lei Thi. But she knew in a couple of years, Felix would declare bankruptcy and wouldn’t be able to afford a ferry ticket.

After the meal ended Lisa and Rosè sighed in relief. They grabbed their bags, stood and walked toward the door.

Lisa regretted wasting time eating for too long. She pulled out a petri dish from her bag and didn’t notice the three men who wore black suits were in front of her.

“Ah… my bacteria!” Lisa cried out.

Jennie was finalising a deal with Tai Lan’s representatives when he heard a woman’s cry. He turned around and saw a petri dish and a woman flying toward him. He caught the woman with one arm and his free hand caught the petri dish.

Everyone in the restaurant clapped their hands in awe of the beautiful Jennie’s swift reaction.

Jennie returned the petri dish to Lisa and left the restaurant.

Lisa stood and patted her saved petri dish.

The only person in the room who was unhappy Jennie saved the day was Felix.

During the commotion a waiter bumped into Jennie and the waiter accidently dropped a cup of water onto Felix’s expensive suit. But what angered Felix more was seeing everyone’s attentions were focused on Jennie. Felix hated not being the centre of attention and he wanted to force Jennie to publicly apologize to him.

Lisa noticed Felix wanted to chase after the man who saved her petri dish. But the man entered a Lincoln and disappeared.

“Lisa, do you know that man?” Rosè asked.

“No, why would I know him?” Lisa asked.

Rosè didn’t know why that man looked familiar but he reminded her of her godson.

“Lisa, where’s my godson?” Rosè asked.

“Oh no, I forgot to pick up Leo from school!” Lisa said.

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