Chapter 14 - afraid

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3rd POV (Present)

Griffin just walked in from the basement to hear his father and grandpa and wanted to know what  they were arguing about, so he stayed behind the wall and listened. The argument wasn't like a kid having a tantrum but it was a calm one.

"Leaving already?" Ben said to his dad. "Well it's clear you won't be talked out of this uhh project. You may not believe this but everything I've done is for your benefit." He answered "I'm a grown man now. I can make my own choices." "Yes, so I see." Bennett said looking around then looking at his son again continuing. "Just remember, Bennett, one of these days, hen your choices land you in hot water, I won't be there to bail you out."

Ben gave him a forced a smile before saying "Thanks for dropping by dad. Drive safe." Bennett took his bag and begun to walk out when he saw Griffin by the door giving him a small smile and a pat on the back "Hi Griffin, stay out of trouble now." before walking out.

Griffin walked out to his dad and stood in front of him. "How much of that did you hear?" Ben asked. "Some." "My relationship with your grandfather is... is complicated. You're probably too you to understand." He said with a soft smile. "I understand. At leas, better then I used to. Think I get it now." 

"get what?" "Why Grandpa bothers you so much. I'ts like... he wants to be in charge of what you do. And maybe that's why you brought us here. 'Cause you have all these bad memories you wish could be better." Griffin said getting a chuckle from hid father. "Better get going on with your homework before dinner." Ben said while thinking 'When did you get so smart Griffin? You're growing up to fast.' 

Y/n's POV~~

Me, Harper, Topher and mom are cutting vegetables for dinner in this really deep awkward silence. "You're quiet tonight, Girls. Still upset about the boys at school?" Mom was the first one to break it. "Not, really just some bitchy teen, and to clarify I never had any problems with the boys at school." I said

Harper sighed and said "No. Now it's a another girl who's the problem." "Ah~, yes. Middle school boys can be frustrating, but the girls? *Scoff* They can be downright cruel." Mom said still cutting a potato. "Don't I know it." Topher said shacking his head. "Topher why don't you go set the table, huh?"

"Last night, you were telling us about how your first crush drove you crazy. Did you ever take it out on anyone else?" Harper started. "Like another girl?" I finished quickly. Mom looked up from her now carrot to us quickly. "Hey, what is going on? Is some girl bothering you?" "No, not us. Um, someone else I know." Harper said quickly. 'God she's so bad at lying..' I thought  before coming up with something more believably. "Yeah, there is this girl who things she's better then everyone. And she's literally so annoying." 

"I'm probably over reacting anyway. Most mean girls are actually harmless, right? Deep down?" Harper asked and mom slightly shuck her head before talking. "Ehh. I think you should stay away from girls like that. What start off as a game can become very real." 

Me and Harper looked at each other, She had the 'Oh, no' face and I had the 'tf you mean by that?' face. 

Time skip~~

"Griffin, our mom might be worse then a liar. I think she might've actually done something to Savannah." Harper said to Griffin through face time. We were lying in bed  talking to him about what mom said earlier.

Griffin sighed "I don't know. Rigging a talent show is a long way from making someone disappear..." "I didn't want to believe it either, but I think about it. Mom didn't just hate Savannah. She acted on it at the talent show. And I thing she'll do it again..." Around the middle of her sentence I hear foot steps and tried to warn her about it but didn't listen so I turned to the side and pretended to be asleep when the door flew open with om there.

"Harper Marie, Y/n M/n (Middle name) do you have something you need to tell me?" Then she saw me sleeping and got quieter. "You skipped school today?!" 

I hear Griffins door open "Griffin, I just got off the phone with your principal." "You're grounded." I hear both of them say in sync. "Get used to this bedroom, because you're not going anywhere. And tell your sister the same thing when she wakes up!" Mom said then left.

Savannah's POV~~'

I was lost i thought looking at the dance sign when I heard Ben "The last big camp of the summer." Snapping me back to reality. He and Jess walked up to me. " Should be fun." He said. 

"I don't know. I was thinking of skipping it." Both of them looked at at me. "Camp dances are pretty lame, right?" I asked "Oh, yeah. I guess they are." Ben said and Jess gave the 'Bitch, what?' look. "This dance isn't going to be lame. you have to be there. Trust me, it'll be a night to... remember." She said in this soft possessive tone, creeping me out. She sounded almost as if she wanted to hurt me. 


Word count: 941 

Hello every one, I've decided to start with a weekly question sense I update this shit once a week. 

So weekly question: How's your week been? and if I were to call you guys something what would that be?

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