Chapter 11 - go away

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Y/n's POV

Me and Harper was on the way to Griffins basement. We opened the door and walked in to screams which made us scream to. We looked to were the screams came from and saw Wyatt and Zoe. "You guys scared us." I said "We scared you?" Wyatt said" "Uh, what are you doing here anyway, I thought you couldn't come over anymore." Zoe asked

"We snuck in to hang out with Griffin" Harper said. I looked at the bunker and back at the other twins "What are you doing down here?" I asked "No one else believes us about Savannah's ghost. So we're gonna catch her on camera" Zoe said proudly like it's was the best idea ever, while Wyatt showed us a camera "Just got to figure out how it works." he said.

"I think it needs a little cassette in there. Our brother a geek for that kind of stuff. He can explain it better." I said. "You should go find him." Harper said. The twins were just about to go through the door when Griffin came in saying "You guys aren't supposed to be down here." "Neither are you. We wont tell mom and dad if you don't." Zoe said it was obvious who got the brains of the twins. "Okay, fine." Griffin said.

"You don't think they found the bunker?" Griffin asked looking at it. "No, but it'll ruin every thing it they did." "We have to be more careful...Are you ready?" Harper and I said. "Definitely" He nodded. "We have to go back and find out what our parents are hiding." "And fast. When we felt Savannah's ghost in your room last night, we think it was her way of urging on us, you know?" i said. "Like she wanted us to hurry." Harper finished.

"I know what you mean. We don't have much time though. My grandpa just randomly showed up. Now we have to have family dinner tonight." Griffin said. "You can't get out of it?" Harper asked. "No way. With my grandpa being here, dad's acting even weirder then usual. I just don't get it. As a kid, he was so chill. What happened to him..."

Time skip~~  

We had just arrived at the camp to see Savannah and Jess (aka the bitch) fight. "Why do you have to be so bratty?" Savannah said "How can you be so selfish" Jess said. "I'm not being selfish. I'm having fun. You should try it some time." "Well sorry if my idea of fun doesn't involve stealing punch and throwing it around springs. I mean, what if you attracted grizzly bears here?" Jess said as a matter of fact. "Grizzlies? In Louisiana?" Savannah said/asked "Whatever! You're going to keep getting in trouble, and you're going to get Ben kicked out!" She said.

I decided to step in "Ben can do what he want, and so can she. Just because you act like you're in charge of everyone here Jessica, it doesn't mean you actually are." I took savannas hand and walked away making sure to bump her shoulder hard.

"Thanks.." Savannah said "Yeah, no problem. I couldn't just stand there and do nothing." "Want some ice cream?" "Sure!" I said.

3rd POV (With Harper and Griffin). 

The two kids were in shock of what just happened. "Whoa.. was that your mom? and what just happened?" Griffin said as he watched young Jess walk away. Harper sighed before answering "Yeah. She's a lot different now." ignoring what happened with Y/n. 

"I'll go fine my dad. See if I can get him to talk about Savannah." "And I'll ask Jess. I mean.... my mom.." She paused and took a deep breath "Man, this is so strange." 

"Tell me about it. Do you think she'll talk to you?" Griffin asked. "Don't worry. I have a strategy." Harper answered confidently. "Yeah. Remember, keep it subtle" "Way a head of you" Harper said as she took a nerdy glasses on and made finger guns, and walked away.

Griffins POV 

I walked in to a hut hearing someone playing guitar assuming it was dad/Ben. He stopped playing and looked up at me "Harry, what's up? Get kicked out of the hotel yet?" He asked me. I chuckled and said "Not yEt" ignoring the voice crack I continued "Why? You and Savannah need help on your next prank?"

"As soon as we plan one, we'll let you know." he said "What about the camp dance? you're probably going together, right?" I asked "Nah." I sat down in front of him. "Sorry. I thought you liked her." I said. He shrugged and said "I mean, sure, I like her. Savannah's different, you know? Of course, not everyone appreciates that." He said and started playing his guitar again.

Harpers POV  

"Hey, you doing okay, Jess?" I asked her as I want in to the hut she shares with a few other girls.

She looked me up and down and asked " Do I not look okay?" "Oh, no. You do. I just- I, uh-..I saw you, Ginny and Savanna fighting outside." She Tsh-ed and said  "It was hardly a fight. Just Savanna being her usual obnoxious self and Ginny was her name? Just being there" "Yeah, they were pretty awful to you" I said with a faked concerned act. "I know, right. She things she's so cool, but it's so fake." 'Yea, and you can definitely see fake people' I thought. 

"I can't believe Ben doesn't see it." She said "Are you , um... Are you jealous of her and Ben?" I asked. She scoffed offended and said "Jealous of little orphan Annie? Please. I just think this place would be a whole lot nicer if she just... like ... go away." as she looked me in my eyes. I nodded.


964 words 

Sorry it took longer then usual..

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