Part 5

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By Ebony

I'm back bitches!

Ebony pov

I watched as Fred pulled away from Bella's lips.

I quickly turned and ran toward Moaning Myrtle's bathroom.

"How could he do this?" I asked myself, "How... how?" I went over to the sink and leaned over it. My knuckles turned white as I gripped the sink. I started hyperventilating, I stared at myself in the mirror and then turned the tap on. I washed my face a few times before looking in the mirror again and seeing Myrtle behind me,

"What's wrong?" she asked,

"It's nothing," I was telling myself more than her,

"You never come in here," Myrtle pointed out, "There's something wrong,"

"I said it's nothing!" I yelled, Myrtle scoffed and then dived back into her toilet. I washed my face again and then turned to go back toward the corridor.

Belle pov

"Fred!" I yelled, "What the hell was that?!"

"I love you dearly, Bella Melania Lestrange," Fred smiled wildly,

"I'm dating your brother," I pushed him off me, "And you're dating my sister. It would be weird,"

"Let it be weird," Fred told me, "I love you,"

"No," I began to walk away from him, hoping someone would come around the corner and shut him up.

"Don't leave me, Bella," Fred begged. I turned to look at him again, he seemed off,

"Come with me," I told him, his face lit up and I sighed. I took him down to the dungeons and went into the Potions class.

"Bella?" Uncle Severus, who sat at the desk asked, "Mr... Weasley," he rose an eyebrow,

"Fred's acting weird, Uncle Severus," I told him, "Fix him," I grabbed Fred and pushed him toward Uncle Severus.

Uncle Severus stood up and studied Fred for a few moments before saying, "Amortentia," he began to make a potion,

"A love potion?" I asked,

"Yes," Uncle Severus replied, "I'd say it was in one of the drinks from the Gryffindor party last night," I nodded,

"Ebony was with Fred all of last night," I said in my head, "I'll talk to her about the drinks he had,"

"You can go, Bella," Uncle Severus told me, "I'll send Mr Weasley on his way when I've made the antidote,"

"Thanks, Uncle Severus," I quickly raced out of the room and skipped up the stairs toward the Gryffindor tower.

"Belle," I turned to see George coming toward me,

"I can't talk Georgie," I told him, "I have to talk to Ebony," I went to leave but he grabbed my arm,

"I need to talk to you now!" He yelled. I sighed and turned my attention to my boyfriend, "I..." he took a breath, "I think we need to take a break,"

"From school?" I asked, "That's not really possible,"

"From each other," he sighed, "I just need to figure some things out and I think I need a break,"

"Are we breaking up?" I asked,

"No, no, no," he shook his head, "We're just taking a break from dating,"

"That's the same thing!" I was finding it hard to hold in the tears, "I'm sorry," I couldn't be bothered to wipe the tears that were now pouring out of my eyes, "I can't do this right now," I inhaled, "I have to... have to talk to Ebs," I nodded and then ran inside Gryffindor Tower, up to our dorm and into the bathroom. I could cry about it later, right then and there I had to figure out who gave a love potion to Fred.

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