Part 4

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Ebony pov

I move my hand in front of my eyes, blocking the shining sun, before opening my eyes.

I groan loudly before sitting up to find Bella, she was across the clearing, "Are you sure we are supposed to do this?" I hear a male voice ask. I felt as if I could recognise the voice, but my mind wouldn't put a face to the voice. "They probably aren't even here anymore," the same voice continues.

"Stop being a worry wort," another voice snaps. I instantly place Fred's face to the voice, meaning the first was George.

"I'm just worried you don't know how to handle seeing a girl naked," Geroge snaps.

"I've accidentally walked in on you and Belle in our room so many times I'm worried you will handle it the wrong way," Fred retorts.

I sit up and look at my own clothes, I was not game for Fred to walk in to find me in clothes extremely ripped up. Bella seemed worse off, her ass was in the air for some reason, and her shirt had no chance of covering her up.

"Give us a second," I call out to the twins.

"Ebs!" Fred calls out running into the clearing, ignoring what I had just said.

"Fred?!" I snap.

"Shit! Sorry," Fred covers his eyes and tries to escape.

I watch as he crashes into 5 bushes and a tree before he gave up and sat down. I roll my eyes and move towards Bella, starting to attempt to wake her up.

"Bella?" I say loudly, "Bella! Wake the flip flop rickety flap up."

"Just say fuck," Fred chimed in afterwards.

"Can I join you guys, I feel kind of lonely," George calls out.

"No, Bella's shirt is unbuttoned," I decline.

"It's not like I haven't done them up for her before," George's voice insinuated he was shrugging.

"Fine," I roll my eyes. George walks in straight away and turns to my still sleeping sister.

"5 sickles, from the other two, to whoever can wake her up without her freaking out straight away," George suggests, a smile covering his face.

"Deal," I smile.

"Can I turn around?" Fred asks. I quickly put a concealing charm on Bella to prevent Fred from seeing Bella practically shirtless.

"Yeah," George answers for me.

"Now to wake up Bella," Fred smiles.

We quickly decide the order of who would wake Bella up. I was to go first, followed by Fred, and George would go last.

I walk closer to Bella, thinking about my plan. Then it hit me, literally, a sugar quill flew through the air and hit me in the face. I could hear Fred and George laughing at the sugar quill, but they didn't know it would be what will wake Bella up.

I put the sugar quill in front of Bella, only for her to bite my hand, "Shit!" I curse at the pain.

"Ebs, you good?" Fred instantly asks.

"Bella bit me," I state as casually as I could manage.

"What! Why would she do that?" Fred wonders out loud.

"Did you bribe her to wake up?" George asks.

"Yeah, sugar quill," I answer, keeping a calm facade.

"That would be why," Fred rubs my shoulders.

"What?!" I snap.

"Don't worry, you'll be fine," Fred smiles, "Anyway, it's my turn."

"Good luck," I whisper. Fred smiles playfully before kneeling towards Bella.

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