I come from Terrorists and Anarchists and Pricks, Who think there God

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This was requested by si1verm8nt

( I know this is not taged properly but dosen't save when I do)

This Is happening Beffore they got there rooms.

Author Pov

Things were ok in the pizzaria But things were geting heated. Kay, and Jon screaming about how they had no personal Space, while Gizzy was decideing what to teach Bryan next He was thinking about haveing Bryan write two sentence storys on any topic. Bryan was just chargeing he was up for around two days beffore Gizzy forced Him to "Go to sleep". Marrionett was just sitting there inbetween  Jon and Kay she had a head ache due to these two fighting. She was thinking of a way to settle there dispute. The two had a point however it was hard to stay in such close quarters with so many others it would be nice to have space to them self. She tought and thought untill it hit her.

" Guys would you mind comeing here I have something I want to talk about!" Marrionett called bringing the others atention tward her. 

Jon and Kay stoped fighting and walked tward the middle of the room. Gizzy stoped planing and also went to the middle of the room. He debated wether or not to Wake Bryan up but ultimately decided against it.

" Whats up?" Gizzy asked. 

" Well I think that It would be benificial to set up our own spaces. Simmeler to bedrooms we can take unused rooms and turn them into it.We can even hold a compation for who's room is better." Mari responded

" I Like that!" Kay yelled as she contunuied " I call dibs on the room behind stage.

"I'll take the room behind my cove." Jon called runing tward said room.

" I'll convert that unsed office. Once bryan is up tell him about it I predict he will be shareing a room with me seeing as there aren't any other places. However if he wants to try and find one he can. Also he is not included in the contest unless he wants to be." Gizzy stated walking away.

Mari decided to Just use the room her box was in it was small but just enough for her.


It had been two days since the challenge was started and they only had 5 days left untill the winner was decided. And Bryan had finnaly woken up and was confused on why everyone was runnin' around like headless chickens. Hehe Chicken's Now this may come as a supprise but Bryan grew up on a farm with his parents ant older brother who went missing 1 year before Bryan was killed at another fasbear establishment.Bryan later found out Mario-- His big brother-- Died and posesed another version of freddy. Bryan had found this out after falling through a portal to another pizzaria where he met a freddy that acted alot like mario with out thinking he actully said this and thus they were reunited. Bryan got to meet his freinds and was given a phone by Chica allong with all of their numbers. He also meet the siprt of a boy his age named Devin who is now his boyfreind! Any way enough of this.

Bryan was confused so he decided to ask Gizzy.

" Hey Gizzy whats going on?" Bryan asked

" Oh Good moring Bryan! Anyway were are makeing our own rooms and haveing a compition of who has the better room. Sadly, You aren't enterd in the compation as because unless you find another vacant room we dont have any more. You'll also be my roomate. Howver if you find a vacant room and want to enter you can just tell us during the jugeing." Gizzy said all at onece

"Ok I'll try and find a vacant room bye bye!" Bryan called running away

Bryan Knew just the room he had found another box simeler to the puppetts. The song comeing from it is the only thing that can put him to sleep. He could decorate it but would need help. So he called his brother and his freinds Chica,Bonnie,and (Original) Foxy.Devin was also there. Using one of Foxys inventions they tellaported there with things to use as decoration and to build with. Perfect Bryan thought as they started.


They all lined up in the dineing room and said hi. Evryone Was exided to show off there rooms.

" Guyes I would also like to join the contest. I managed to find a vacant room to tunin to mine" Bryan said

"Ok thats fine with me so lets go" Marionett said with a chiper voice.

They tourd the pizzaria showing of there rooms( Everything is the same as in the series).They then got to marrionnetts room. She has a black and white pinifore patterned couch with a Plane black love seat. The walls were a pale blue color makeing things look brighter.

Bryan laughted as he started to speak " Its funny I have a box too."

Every one was confused on this regardless however was very fun and then it was Bryans turn. He lead them down the right office hallway it was dark and every one thought it was errie.They started to hear a music box which made it worse. Bryan got to the end of the hallway and opend a hidden door. They walked in and everyone saw a lounge room.

 They walked in and everyone saw a lounge room

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They liked it it was cozy. Bryan's lead them to a music box in the corner. He opend the lid hopped in and climbed down a latter as everyone  followed. They enterd a bed room with pictures lineing the walls. There was some of them Labled the FNAF Kids wich had all five of them. Some of the photos were labled Me and Mario(Big Brother) or Me and the OG Freddy fazbers crew + Me. The last ones were labled with me and Devin's___. Everyone loved his room and decided to sit in there playing games. In all It was fun.

 In all It was fun

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Thats all! Have a nice day Everyone! Also For the Mario thing I refrenced two other series. One isn't by Bryan.

The famous films/Minecraft FNAF one shotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant