13 | Lucy's Luck

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Nikki's eyes widen in glee when she sees me almost stumbling towards her, bottle in hand. I must have at least three or four shots in me by now and the adage beer before liquor, never been sicker rings loudly, deafeningly.

They're not Nikki's eyes that steal mine now. Not even Jake's, who's sitting in the circle beside her on a couch cushion. It is Shawn who watches me intensely, staring at me from midway up the threadbare staircase. He leans so casually over the railing and I have to remind myself that only about 20 minutes have lapsed since our almost-kiss.

Yet somehow, I've already managed to run into Jake and Harry...

I freeze up, unable to make my feet move. I'm not embarrassed for Shawn to see this side of me –perhaps it will help shed the goody two-shoes image he still sees when he looks at me. No, my inability to move stems from my own incognizance.

What do I do now? What is the next move? Sit in the pot circle, play drinking games, and hope Shawn grows green with envy? Or do I march clear across the crowded carpet, plant one right on Shawn's lips, and hope Jake broods about it later tonight?

Come on, Elle.


I am saved by Lucy, who is racing back into the room, pulling Nev by the hand.

"What's is its Luce?" My sentence is barely coherent and I 100% do not recognize my own voice. I 100% do not care.

Lucy's eyes narrow in suspicion, but she quickly regains her resolve. "Nev and I are heading back to campus."

I can almost hear the excitement seeping into her words. I'm happy for her –happy that I no longer need to hear how much she wishes Chloe would ditch Nikki and notice her.

"Alrights," I say, smacking my lips together, tasting all their sticky berry glory.

"You want to come?" She asks, her eyes quickly glancing behind me and reverting back to me.

I wonder what the scene must look like to Lucy. Nikki, Jake, and Shawn are probably all staring at my back. I would be. Lucy's kind look tells me she recognizes this fiasco for the sinking ship it is and she's handing me a life-vest.

"I mean, it is getting late. No one could blame you," she whispers quietly to me. She's right, I know. I do need to leave before I do something I'll regret, like drinking more purple alcohol or finding myself in more hidden hallways.

"Yez," I slur. "I will go back with you." I say it loud enough so everyone can hear. I spin on my heels and almost tumble sideways into Nev, who is kind enough to steady me.

"Aw, boo." Nikki jeers, giggling as she takes another sip of whatever's in her cup.

"Sorry. Nighty night," I say, laughing.

Nikki shrugs, leaning into Chloe. Jake shakes his head in... disbelief. Maybe? Shawn is just smiling at me, almost laughing to himself. My sea-legs (barely) carry me over to the front door. I wobble sideways into Andre, who joins Shawn at the stairs.

I step into the freezing night and the cold air is sobering as it hits my lungs. Lucy walks hand-in-hand with Nev, whose purple eyeshadow reflect the porch lights as we walk down the stairs.

The three of us pass stoners, drunkards, and two girls who aren't wearing any shirts. A bubble-gum pink bikini top barely covers her chest. I can't believe someone would wear that in summer, let alone in 20-degree weather!

"Love your top." I giggle walking by. Maybe tipsy Elle would wear that.

"Now I know you're drunk," Lucy says, shaking her head.

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