Chapter One

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Boys, Boys, Boys.... [boyxboy]

Chapter One


The light of the fire flickered and cast shadows upon the faces of everyone sitting around the pit. I grabbed a metal stick and shoved a marshmallow on it. Laughter came from the wooded area behind us. I gritted my teeth. Then I shoved the marshmallow into the fire with a vehement force.

It had only been ten minutes earlier when Lance Rutherford and Corbin Tollins had arrived at the party. It had been fine until then. But the two biggest assholes in the school just had to show up... and take all the hot girls with them off into the woods. That left the rest of the guys sitting around the campfire. Alone and grumpy.

"I want to kick Tollins's and Rutherford's asses," Simon, my best friend, said.

"You and me both," I grumbled.

"Especially Tollins," Simon grumbled.

"Still upset about Sarah?" I asked.

"I bought her an effing ring, dude. A promise ring and everything. We were together since the effing seventh grade, and one day she just says she's leaving me for Corbin Tollins!" Simon exclaimed, his voice shaking with refound anger.

I patted him on the shoulder consolingly. "Hey, it's cool. At least you've had a girlfriend. I've never gotten past second base. And I only got that far because Annie Bendway accidentally fell on me in the third grade," I said.

"But, Aiden, you could date plenty of halfway decent girls, you've just never asked one out," Simon said.

"Just haven't found one that I've really wanted to," I said quietly.

I had been thinking a lot to myself lately. And...I was worried. I could never ask out a girl because I never really wanted to so the question was:

Was I not attracted to girls at all?

And did that mean I was gay?

Simon pushed his slightly long, blond, surfer-styled hair off to one side and my breath caught in my throat.

Worse......Did I like Simon?

We had been best friends since the beginning of grade nine when I was the new kid. We had bonded over our shared dislike of the cafeteria's corn dogs and Corbin and Lance, the two athletic beef-headed guys in our grade. Ever since then, it had been shared taco Doritos at lunch and Star Wars marathons at my house on the weekends.

But did I want him as more than a friend?

And since I'm having these thoughts, shouldn't I be afraid, or at least disgusted with myself?

God, what do I even begin to do now?

Simon grabbed my hand. I nearly fell off the log I was sitting on.

"Your 'mallow is burning," He said.

I pulled my stick out of the fire and examined my now-burnt-to-a-crisp marshmallow. Then I shoved it in my mouth.

Not bad.

"Hey, this is a bust. Do you wanna get out of here?" Simon asked.

"Yeah, wanna crash at my place?" I asked, hoping and yet fearing the answer would be yes.


We threw our metal sticks onto the ground, said goodbye to the rest of the guys, and made our way to where my silver Nissan was parked. Simon hopped into the passenger seat and we sped off, leaving a trail of dust behind us and rocking out to Aerosmith's "Walk this Way."

Once at my house, we crashed onto the couches in my basement.

"Tomorrow is our first day of Junior year," I wondered out loud.

"Yep," Said Simon, popping the p.

I fell asleep wondering if I really was gay after all. And whether or not I actually liked Simon...

Boys, Boys, Boys.... [boyxboy]Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin