chapter 8

411 11 0

Day: Tuesday
Time: evening
Place: UA dorms

Third person POV:

"Well it's about something I don't really have experience with so I thought you might be more helpful than me going online to see what I can find" Izuku said joking at the end "'oh ha ha' of course I'm more helpful than the internet for whatever you want" "good then can you tell me about smoking, relationships, dr#gs and s##" Izuku say with the straightest face he could muster "Please tell me your joking about the last two" katsuki says calmly "oh heh, I was serious about the first three, don't worry I'm not interested in trying any of them" Izuku say as katsuki raised an eyebrow "it's just if I want to keep my identity quite the best way I could mislead someone is to write about something that draws the attention away from this innocent little cinnamon roll" Izuku says while batting his eyes " right, cause your just so innocent" katsuki says sarcastically "Hey!" "Oh, come on nerd I've seen you fight villains when no one's looking, not even I would be brave enough to go against that, that look you give them is like going head to head against death himself with a rubber duck, I think I saw the last one contemplating their life decisions by you just looking at them" katsuki says partly terrified "oh come on, I'm sure it's not that bad" Izuku sulks "no, the last one literally asked the police officer to lock him up for the rest of his life rather than and I quote ' ever having to face the reincarnation of the devil again' the dude was terrified and he was one of the least scared ones" katsuki chuckled " ok so maybe I go a little overboard, but it's not like your any better" Izuku grumbled "yeah but it's a lot less terrifying since my attitude doesn't do a one-eighty" katsuki laughed "anyway I wrote down something's in each subject you gave me, I added in the usual so the feels like, taste like, affects and anything else that came to mind form what I heard, but why didn't you ask what's their name, since they know more about this stuff than I do" katsuki asked " well if I did they would lecture me on why every subject is bad for me except the relationship, and then question why I need to know, and I'm not ready to be on the phone for more than three hours, plus it was a good excuse to come visit since the notebook looks the same as my math notebook so if anyone were watching they think I needed help with the math homework" Izuku chirps "I swear to god nerd your way too paranoid" "well it's not my fault, you saw them the other day, also thanks for not defending me that would of made them even more suspicious" Izuku says "yeah, no prob, also nerd, start learning how to lie to people close to you since I don't think the 'twin brother from america' isn't gonna be believed if someone has access to the criminal records and the general records like per say Mr aizawa" katsuki hints "don't tell me you think Mr aizawa is suspicious" Izuku says mortified "well no, but he has hinted that he suspects you to be working with the lov, so I suggest telling him something about all this" katsuki says gesturing to the music notes and the guitar in the closet that Izuku keeps in his room for when they practice new songs "I've been thinking about telling him anyway since he knows how to keep a secret, and it would help for when I need to go to the studio" Izuku Mumbles " good, now get the fuck out of my room I want to sleep" katsuki grumbles jokingly "alright, alright, sorry to keep you up so late, I'll see you tomorrow at school" Izuku says as he takes his notes and heads out the door quietly heading back to his room.

679 words :)

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