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Can we choose the way to rediscover the pleasure of living, without appearing selfish? This is a story of rebirth, but it also talks about the uniqueness of love.

If you are a skeptic (as I once was, believe me), there is only one possibility with the words described: "Open Your Mind," otherwise it will be a boring read. To those who believe that there is much more to the world than meets the eye, perhaps my experience will bring some spiritual growth or even hope.

I don't know if anyone will read these lines, but I needed to exercise these memories, I am not sure if they are mine. To explain how I can write and read in another language, to describe places in a country without ever having been there, to remember people I have never met...

To share with someone that the world is not only what we think we know, that there is something more. That there is much more than can be imagined will be a breath of fresh air for my soul.

I have only recently discovered this...

To make things clearer, from this paragraph on, I will write backward, I need to tell my story from the beginning, maybe it will not seem so insane this way. I try to see all of this as a public utility. If anyone is going through something similar, they will know that they are not alone in the world and maybe it will help me to understand what happened.

I will leave in these lines a summary of what will come next in my memoirs. Today:

"My name is Anna Julia, Brazilian, married, 33 years old. I am a Civil Engineer."

That person no longer exists. I had a car accident on the way to work. When I woke up, I didn't know where I was. Apparently, I died and my soul occupied another body. A kind of transmutation of souls. Today I live another reality, with remnants of memories that are not mine and submerged by thoughts of my other life, but this is not even the beginning...

However, to tell my story, I will need to tell the story of the people who are part of this new phase of mine and also of my past life. My narrative from now on will be the detail of how I died, was reborn, and how I discovered that there really is love.

"See you later."

Lizzie — Anna

Elisabeth: one soul, two lives (English Version)Where stories live. Discover now