chapter 9: sorrow chara.

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Asriel pov.
I'm on the ground. I woke up. I feel pain all over me. My head. I slowly got up. I looked around where I am. I'm in waterfall. There like a battle happen here. But what battle? I feel like I was hit by a big fist. Guard: "captain!" Looks like one of the guards are here. "You there. Report" guard: "we haven't found them and are still searching!" Did they escape. What happen here. "Tell me. What happen here. My memories are abit dizzy" guard: "don't you remember. You and your sister were fighting" what!? No wait he right! I was fighting my sister!
Chara pov.
We just got out of hotlands. Finally. The guards are all over the place. Sound like asriel had enough. But damn that gaster! For betraying my father! All because he agrees with asriel. Whatever. Now I need to make sure frisk is save. The system has now turn there backs against her. If she dies. It over for the underground. She wants to go back to the ruins. We are halfway though waterfall. Dodging guards and everything. "Your ok frisk?" She has been calm lately. Frisk: "I'm. Make sure that your ok too" I nodded. I can see why love is something special. I can't take my eyes off her when I look at her. She just so. Something. I can't find the right words for it. Almost there to snowdin. Once we are there. We can head for this papyrus person. Who is the prince of the underground. But I don't know if anyone knows about that. We are holding hands. Her hands are really soft. No. I need to concentrate. Her life is in my hand. I looked around to make sure no one is here. Than I looked up. I see chaos blasters ready to fire. I grab frisk and jump back. I than see asriel walked up to us. Asriel: "finally got you" damn it! "Asriel" asriel: "you were a real problem you know that? I never thought my own sister would help a human. Why? Don't you know it there fault. For what they have done to us. Done to me" I figure he still blame them. "She different asriel. She didn't hurt a since monster. Hell we can't even try to hurt anyone" asriel: "doesn't matter. We need her soul to be free chara. Don't you understand. It for monster kind" monster kind. "Than why did you arrest dad and undyne?" Asriel: "they went against me. Went against all monster kind. But they are not the only one. Toriel. Alphy as well. They join them. So will you" he ready his gauntlet. I don't know where he got that from but it has killed humans thrusting it into them. His sword appeared in his other hand. He going to try and kill frisk no matter what. I summon my knife. I haven't used this in years. Will I be able to defeat asriel. Asriel: "stand aside chara. I won't hurt you but I will if you give me the human" I used to say scared. But now. I'm not going to let frisk die. Asriel: "than I'll force yiu" he zoom. But I block his claw slash. I see the surprise in his eyes. I knock him back. I charge and slashed. He blocks it. We keep slashing and slashing. Clashing. I jump back. I ready knifes and send them at him. He started dodging while charging at me. I continue sending them. As he got close. I made knifes appeared out of the ground. He stopped. I than ready knifes from above. But I feel something stopping. It like something that force me to stop. I stopped. Asriel jump up. He send chaos thunder at me. I dodge them. That was close. He summon swords. He send them at me. I started dodging. I lost a bit of hair. I dodge a slash of his claw. I slashed a him. He dodge it. I dont want to hurt him. I need to somehow stop him. I block one of his attack. He than summon blaster and fired. I was about to slash but I was force to stop. But I was able to dodge his attack. I than made knifes appeared and send them at him. He started blocking them. He trying to get close to me. I made knifes appear under her. I than feel my self being force to stop. It making it really hard to move too. It like something helping him. We started clashing. I'm trying to keep up but I can feel my self being force to stop. Asriel: "you can't win!!" He going faster. I can feel myself getting hit by his sword. Cutting my clothes. Than he threw a punch to my face. I was send right into the wall. "Gahhh!!!" I puke out blood. I fall onto the ground. I can feel blood coming out of head. Asriel: "stand down" I see him walking to frisk. I need to stop him. I try to get up. I ready my knife. I than threw it at him. He block it. Asriel: "why you!" He than zoom claw first me. I'm going to die! Frisk: "no!!!!" Than I see blood appeared. "No!" My voice echo though out waterfall. I see asriel claw gauntlet. Is though frisk chest. I see her soul on his hand. He grip it and pull his gauntlet out. I catch her body. Alot blood is coming out of her. No. Frisk. Asriel: "finally got it. The king will be glad to have the final soul" frisk. No. I'm sorry. I'm so sorry! I couldn't protect you! Asriel: "you failed as always. As a friend. As a sister. And as a protector" protector. I.was suppose to protect her. And I failed. I so weak! So useless! Everything I do always goes to shit!!! "That right. She die because you were weak. You could have stop him. But you let yourself be push back. Letting asriel win" yes. She die because I didn't want to hurt him. I let my care of family get in my way. Now she dieing. I can feel the tears coming out of my eyes. "What are you going to do about it? You just going to let asriel walk away from her soul. Don't you want to save her" I want to save her. No. I need to save her. I place her down and stand up. My body is hurt. But I stand on both of my feet. Asriel: "you stand against me again? You really are stupid chara. Stand down or I will hurt you more" I can feel the rage. My anger. My tears turn into black liquid. My hand griped. "You will pay!!" He turn around. Asriel: "what did you say?" The ground cracked under my feet. The black liquid stain the ground. Head full of words. Rage. Pain. And suffer. Than my eyes glowed. "You will pay!!!!" In a blink of an eye. I was infront of him. I punched his face. Sending him backwards. He felt that alright. I looked at my self. My coat has yellow on it. I went to the water. I than see my self really different. My eyes. They have that strange liquid coming out. But different colors. He got up. Asriel: "how dare you!!" He summon fire balls and send them at me. I hold out my hand. As they got close. They disappeared. Asriel: "what!?" He keeps sending more. And they keep disappearing. I summon knifes and send them. I teleported to get close. His blasters fired but there blast disappeared. I got.close to him. He try to slash me but his attack. Didn't effected. Asriel: "what!? That impossible!? Since when can you nullified attacks!!" I don't know when but I'm sure as hell going to hurt you!! I grab my knife and started slashing. He try to block it but it launch him back. I teleport upwards. He looked as I send knifes at him. He try to dodge but they already cut him. I than turn his soul red. I started slamming him all over the place. He try to summon attacks but none of them could hurt me. After all. I'm nullified them. I than punched him more. Up. down. Left. Right. Everywhere. I than ready a big slash. "Die!!!!" I slashed him really hard that it send him into the wall too. He hit it that it ended up cracking. He landed on the ground that the rocks started covering him. I grab the soul he had. I can feel the power just going away. I fell to my knees. I puke out blood. "Nice job. You finally used your powers. If you even need it. Just say so. I'll help you" my head is quiet now. I got up as I slowly walked too frisk body. I put her soul back. I looked at her hp. It 10 but it slowly going down. "I'" I pick her body up and head for the ruins. That the only place where she can rest and heal. I'm maybe bleeding but I will not lose frisk!
Asriel pov.
I never knew my sister was that strong. Was she hiding it this whole time. I must find them. But where could they be? I'll have to figure it out. "I want every guard to look for those humans! We must not fail!!" Im heading for snowdin. There are no allies left but maybe. That flower knows.
Chara pov.
"*huff* *huff*" I lost alot of blood. Vision getting burry. I dont know how long it been. But I was able to find healing items to heal her hp. That hole is still there. I do have anything to heal it up. The only way I gave her the items. Was that I put it inside of my mouth. And connect my lips to hers and let the food into her mouth. Honestly I nearly die from embarrassment but I was able to keep moving. I feel my legs getting weaker. I see the door. I quickly got there but I fell over. I crawled my way to the door. I hit it hard as I can. "Hey!! Guy! Frisk told me that there someone behind this door! If you can hear this please help!!" I yelled as much as I can. I slowly lose consciousness. I hear the door open. Papyrus: "oh my God! What happen!" I didn't focus on my self. "Save her.....please" I than went unconscious.

Liquid: "done and peace!"

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