chapter 5: escaping.

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Frisk pov.
I woke up. I looked around. Somehow we are alive. "Chara?" I looked around for her. I than see her next to me with blood coming out of her. "No!" I moved her over to see it. It been bleeding for a bit . It didn't hit anything important. So asriel missed on purpose. No time to think! I need to save her! I unzip her coat and pulled up her t-shirt. I blushed. Her body is well tointed. I see a bit of muscles. She must work out. Wait no. I have to not think of her hot body! I need to save her! I see the stab wound. I than grab a bandage.i was about to start until I was stop by the words. "Stop if you bandage her wounds you will be punished" what! I'm trying to save them. "The judge did her part. If she dies it will be her fault" if this thing fucking kidding me. "You said I needed to find the judge! And her duty is to protect me! She was able to stop her brother attack even if I can go back to my save point! She the only one that can help me though this underground! And I'm not going to let her die because you think her use is up! I'm not going to lose someone that helping me!" It didn't say anything. Than it disappeared. I started bandaging her wounds. I listening for her heart beat. Good. She still alive. I finished. I sat down and wait. I hope she ok. No one has stand up for it or protected me from getting hit. Boogie: "there you are! Are you Ok?" I nodded. "I am boogie. Chara took the hit for me. She ok now since I patch her up. I just want to wait for her to wake up" I feel so bad for Chara. She was afraid. She didn't know what to do. All she did was try and keep him away from me. She really brave even of she was afraid. So took it. I lie down next to her. "I'm going to sleep for a bit. You don't mind?" Boogie: "I dont. I'll keep a look out for you" he than went underground. I looked at her. "Chara" I than closed my eyes. Hoping to get some sleep. I hope your ok chara. I open them. I'm in somewhere. Another strange dream. Great. I got up. ???: "finally. Been trying to talk to you since you got here" hm? I than see some human looking thing infront of me. Metacritic: "I'm Metacritic. And your frisk" how does it know my name. Metacritic: "I been trying to talk to you since you fell. But the system was stopping me. Since something happen and blocked me. But now. We can finally speak to each other. Now your doing well to not listen to the system" really? Well good. I don't want anyone to control to me. Metacritic: "it really thinking that you maybe the wrong pick. But it waited too long to chose someone else. It waitting to take back control" so it want to control the underground. Why. Metacritic: "but that where you come in. I want you to never listen to them. They want to create a war. Honestly I don't want that. They force the last human to make asriel become a horrible monster. Nice. They lost control of the underground. But now your here. Your going to fox everything. Bring the way the underground needs to be. Help my family" family? Metacritic: "I said what I need. You need to return back. Make sure that chara help you. Just. Don't die" they snap. I than woke up. My eyes. It feels like I just been sleeping for awhile. I notice I'm wearing chara coat. I looked around. Where is she? But this coat. It. Comfortable. I got up. I went to look for her. I than see her standing near something. She throwing up and catching it. "Chara?" She got a fright and drop the knife. Chara: "y-your awake! S-sorry if I was gone. I wanted to think without waking you" she acting really nice. She also cute too. Wait. Did I. Yeah I did. "It ok. I'm just glad to see you not dead" chara: "well. I should thank you for patching me up. Even though you didn't need to Because of my powr. I can regenerate my self" so she can heal her own body. That sound really useful for her. "Well I'm glad your ok. I was really worried about you" I see her blushing. I blushed too. Chara: "I'm. Just glad your safe. He didn't hurt you right?" I shook my head. "I'm alright. Your coat is comfortable" I sniff it. Wait why did i do that? Chara: "well if you want to walk around with it. You can. I don't mind" we must be in a safe area. I wonder if she can tell me why she doesn't like to use her powers. But I went to the save point and save. I looked at my bonds. It 3. Rank unknown feelings. Weird but I think I'm the same. We than started moving. Where the hell are we? It like. A trash place. Chara: "this is where the stuff from the surface go to as well as all of the trash" I see the exit. We head for it. ???: "you there!!!" Hm? What? I see something appeared infront of us. A dummy? Dummy: "your that human! He has been looking for you! I must let them know!" What!? Dummy: "security alert! Security alert! Woo! Woo! Woo!" He so loud. He alerting them! Chara grab my hand and started running. We got to a open area. Guard: "there they are!" Shit! They are here! I threw a smoke bomb at them. They are koffing. She went down another path. There a house. Chara knocked on it. Chara: "hey! Alphy!" Alphy? They open it. I see someone wearing a white sheet on there head. Alphy: "c-chara!? W-what are you doing here!" Chara: "no time to explain! The guards are coming and we need to hide!" Is chara sure about this? Alphy: "o-ok!" She open her door to us. She really sure. We entered as she lock the door. I can hear them run past with that dummy that was shouting. Chara: "thanks alphy" alphy: "y-your welcome. You two look like you were in trouble" we were. "Thank you very much alphy. We wouldn't have out run them if it wasn't for your help" she was blushing embarrassed. Alphy: "n-no worries! I-im happy to help!" I looked around. There. Not much around here. Just movies disc. I went up to chara. Chara: "that alphy. I met her one time when she was walking though snowdin. We chat alot. She a crazy anime fan. She a shy monster. The only way for her to interact with people is when it something she likes" I nodded. I than looked at the animes. "Mew mew kissey? That the cat girl with the pink outfit" than she went up to me. Alphy: "you know about mew mew kissey!? I thought I was the only one that like it" well I do remember watching it in the orphanage. It this cat looking girl that goes around and doess good things. It not bad show. Alphy: "I have all session of it! We can watch it together if you want?" We went around and looked. There nothing much around but I agree to watch it with her. We sat down as she put it in. It started playing. For somereason. I'm enjoying watching it. Maybe it because there someone else watching it with me. Chara and alphy. They are My friends. I never thought I would have friends that I can trust. Even if I just met alphy. It feels like we already became friends just by watching this. After awhile it ended. Chara: "let us get going frisk. We still have a long way to go" I nodded. "Thank you again alphy" alphy: "no problem! I'm glad to met someone that likes mew mew kissey" we than left her place. Alphy: "and if anyone ask about you! I'll never say a word!" I nodded. My bond with her has became max. Now our bond is unbreakable. Rank friends. We than left the place. The guards are gone but they maybe up ahead. I see runes on the walls. I read them about the history. How war broke between them. Monsters had the upper hand until humans started absorbing down souls. Making them more powerful. The monsters lost and were seal behind a barrier. Many years monsters wait to be free that the king decided that all humans that fall. Will be killed. I looked at Chara. Why was she here? What made her fall? We see the guards. Once again boogie point the way for us. And we hide from them. This time they mean business. There more guards here. He really wants me. Not In a good way. But chara here. I can feel her being brave. It like she a different person all together. She hold my hand the whole way. Dodging. Grabbing. Blinding. Escaping. And making sure that we are ok. Boogie said that there were weapons but I haven't been seeing them. The system must be doing this. I feel like it doesn't want me to have weapons. We got to a area full of flowers. They were repeating a word. "Why doesn't she understand what I'm doing!! I'm trying to keep her safe! She so useless! Can't do anything right! And she think she can do something about that human! How wrong she is! I will find her and kill that human! Than once I do! I'm going to talk to her! Why did I end up with a pathetic sister! Mom should have left her for dead when she found her with the king!" I can see tears coming from Chara eyes. Those were her brother words. How can we hear him? "Chara" I went up to her as I wrap my arms around her. I want to comfort her. She not useless. Or pathetic. She place her hand on my arm. Chara: "his words. Cut deeper than a knife. But I know what I'm doing is right. I wont let his words be right" even if she still have tears. I know she alright. I than hear footsteps. We quickly ran to a tall grass. Chara holds onto Me. They were getting closer. Guard: "they are not here sir. I can't pick them up" chara active her powers already. Asriel: "hmmmm" he here!? I feel Chara rage. I see a knife appeared in her hand. How did she do that! I stay quiet. The footsteps are getting closer. I looked in her eyes and see something different. They were dark. Like they were the eyes of a killer. I squeezes her tight. Guard: "they are not here sir. She must be around somewhere else" it was quiet. Asriel: "alright" we than hear his footsteps go away. We walk out. Chara: "he gone. Let go before he comes back" I still see the knife. We continue ahead. There no guards. I need a break. There just way to many close calls. I want to look at the water. I sat down. Chara: "what wrong?" I continue looking at at water. It so peaceful. She sat down next to me. "You know what I like about water? It peaceful. They always moving. And there alot of it" chara: "what about it?" I guess I'm trying to say. "I once had friends. Friends that I thought I can trust. One day. I show them my secret. A secret I had for years" yeah looked at me. Chara: "what the secret?" Words appeared. They are telling me not to show it. But I want too. I trust her. I'm forcing My self. "A-all I ask. Is to don't. Hurt me" I'm scared of of my mind. I slowly turn to her. I'm trying to open my eyes. She than grab my face. Chara: "t-this must be special to you. S-so I'll help you show your secret" she was blushing. This must be embarrassing for her to do. But I was able to show her my eyes. My red demon eyes. Chara: "that. Your secret" I nodded. But I can see her clearly. It been years since I open them. Even if I open my eyes to those people I thought were my friends. It feels different with her. Chara: "your eyes are just like mine. I dont really see why you kept it a secret" she doesn't? Chara: "I guess I had my open eyes open for years so I'm used to it. You can keep them open ok" keep them open. No one has ever said that too me. Maybe. She right. "Your bond with chara has increased to level 4. Rank still unknown feeling. Warning. Getting close to her. You have been warn once" I don't care. Not anymore. I got up. "I feel much better. Showing you my secret" she making me more happy than anyone. We than continue good thing there no guards around. Because I want to spend every moment with her now. I think we have gotten to know each other more. I can trust her with anything. And she can trust me. We than got to a cave. Chara: "we finally made it to the end of this place. Next one is hotlands. I know someone there that can help us" asriel: "who will help you?" Oh no! Asriel appeared infront of us. Than monsters guards appeared. They are around us. We are surrounded! Asriel: "now Chara. I will forgive you if you just leave the human side and come to mine" chara: "like hell I'm letting that happens! You think I didn't hear what you said about me!" Asriel: "I dont have time for your meaningless words Chara. Surrender now! This will be your last chance!" She than walked up to his. She grab him by his scarf. Chara: "it not meaningless! We were a family asriel! We both cared about each other! You accepted me as your sister and now you think im nothing!" She. Standing up to him. Chara: "your my fucking brother asriel! We would always hangout together! Play around! Laugh and cry! But now. Your turn into the biggest dumb ass this underground knows! The title of captain! It nothing but a pathetic joke! The only one here that nothing+ is you!!" She than punched him. I gasp. I can't believe it. She really hit him. Even he lost for words. Guard: "captain!" I see one of the guards went to attack Chara. "No!!" I jump infront of her. But than fire balls appeared and hit around us. Even forcing asriel to dodge and get out of our way. Than toriel appeared. Standing in asriel way. Chara: "mom. That armour" it like she wearing a battle suit. Asriel: "so you are able to stand against me once again" toriel: "sorry it took me long. I had to get ready. Now. gotten more brave. I'm proud of your changes. But I want you to keep her safe! Makes sure that she leaves this underground! Don't let asriel win!" Chara nodded. She than grab my hand. Chara: "come on! You better win mom!" I agree. We than started running. Asriel: "why help her? She our only chance to be free. Why are you stopping me?" She raise her staff. Toriel: "because I saw a future. Where we could finally be free. But in peace with the humans. And frisk. Is the only one that can do it" asriel raise his sword. Asriel: "that what made you weak mother! You chose peace over your own kind! Now I'll show you just how pathetic it is!" They charge at each other and clashed. I can feel it. Two powers. Making a big impact. I'm going to live! I will see this to the end!

Liquid: here you go. Peace"

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