By now, Miles felt the familiar thrill he always felt when sex seemed imminent. He was half-hard again, but in his own element – or at least closer to it than he'd felt in a very long time.

"Wow, you have a huge room!" the wolf said as he ran a hand over the hastily made bed. "King size?"

"Ha. Bear-size, actually."

The bedroom was a bit ridiculous. The previous owners had been large ursids, which meant the ceilings were high and the floor plan included a lot of extra space. Miles' room was typical of the rest of the house, in that it was nearly twice the size of his previous bedroom. The furniture, which had come with the house, was also about twice the size of anything Miles needed. There was a wooden executive desk with an expensive-looking chair upholstered in durable faux leather along with a four poster bed. A pair of large bookshelves along the inside wall, a long dresser, and a deep, navy blue sofa, still weren't enough to make the space feel lived in. He felt a bit self-conscious that he hadn't put up any decorations yet, but Alec didn't seem to notice. He was still running a large hand – paw? – over the plush comforter.

"The furniture came with the house," he explained. "My mom took a lot of our stuff when they divorced, and dad didn't want to haul what was left from New Garden, so they worked that into the deal when we bought this place."

Miles could see Alec's nose twitching as he took in the rest of the room. He suspected the wolf would be able to smell everything Miles had done in the room over the last few weeks, but he didn't say anything.

The wolf's attention fell to the desk, where Miles kept a slim gaming laptop and a dock that connected to an oversized monitor. Miles didn't like using the big television in the cave-like family room downstairs, at least by himself, so he'd set the laptop up to be his media center on top of everything else. He could turn the screen and watch from his bed or the sofa comfortably.

"Nice," Alec said as he looked at the laptop, although his eyes soon drifted to the large wooden box he usually left on his desk, if only because he still kept his lube. The wolf's head carved onto the lid looked a little like Alec, and perhaps that's why he peeked inside without asking.

"Whoa. Holy shit!"

Miles felt his cheeks flush again as he stepped forward. He'd added a few other things to the collection over the years, including a small vape and some pod cartriges, some poppers, a couple modest sex toys he'd bought online, and most of his porn, stored on a couple of data cards. He really didn't want Alec to start asking questions about those. Fortunately his attention seemed drawn by the other items in the box.

"This is the nicest stash I've ever seen. Aren't you worried about your dad going through your shit?"

Miles shrugged, trying not to appear too defensive as he slid the box away from the wolf's grasp. "Dad's a doctor, so he's kind of detached about a lot of this stuff." Miles made a bit of a show of slowly withdrawing a couple of condoms and the clear bottle of lubricant one at a time. "He bought most of this stuff. As long as I'm safe, I'm free to do what I want. He asks me about it sometimes, and I'm mostly honest. It works out."

Alec nodded, eyes fixated on the condoms, tail wagging again. Miles closed the box and quietly put the box into a drawer. The wolf took the opportunity to move towards the other side of the room where he settled into the sofa. Miles soon joined him.

"Thanks for letting me up here. I don't think I've ever been in a human's bedroom." He was leaning back and slipping an arm over the back of the sofa. The move was transparent, but Miles liked it. He could feel the warmth of the zeta's thickly muscled arm radiating against the back of his neck.

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