
Start from the beginning

Isabela came out of no where. "Did someone say flowers?" She said while swinging on her vine "Isabela! One of our angels!" Felix said.

"It's nothing!" She said then swung her hair in Mirabels face "Ugh." She rolled her eyes and looked over to see Mirabel and Aurora.

She gave Aurora a hug and a flowers while Aurora gave her a snowflake that couldn't melt.

"Hey Aurora, do you know where Valeria is?" Isabela said looking away with a little blush on her cheeks.

Aurora smirked "I think she's finishing up decorations outside."

Isabela smiled then looked at Mirabel. "Little sister advice. If you weren't trying so hard you wouldn't be in the way." Isabela said while Mirabel did a pout and was getting the flower petals off of her.

"Actually Isa this is called helping and I'm not in the way you are-" Mirabel said until she ran into something and Aurora stared at her with a yikes face.

"Let me help you Mirabel" Aurora said while picking up some stuff "Thank you Aurora this is why you're my favorite."

Once she said that Diego came speeding in with a 'are you kidding me' face and a hand on his hip. "Well one of my favorites." she said while fluffing Diego's hair.

"Thank you, thank you I already knew I was your favorite." Deigo said and Aurora and Mirabel giggled.

"DEIGO GET YOUR BUTT OVER HERE PLEASE! WE HAVE GOT TO FIX YOUR HAIR!" Tiá Sophia yelled then covered her mouth "Oh, sorry Dolores."

"I gotta go!" Deigo said and sped away.

Aurora and Mirabel walked in the kitchen with the delivery and there was Juileta and Elena making food "Oh!" Juileta said once she saw the stuff.

"You guys ok? You don't have to over do it." Elena said while Juileta was nodding and looking at Mirabel "I know mama I just want to do my part like the rest of the family!" Aurora said while putting the stuff on the counter.

"She's right amor." Alejandro said Agustín nodded and Mirabel and Aurora staring at them with a disgusted face.

"Another gift ceremony since yours a lot of emotions." Agustín said while looking at Mirabel. "Bee stinks!" Mirabel and Aurora said with a disgusted face Aurora laughed.

"I've been there." Agustín said "Aye Agustín."  Juileta said while throwing her hands in the air.

"Me, Tió Felix, Alejandro, and Mateó married into the family outsiders who had no gift never ever would surrounded by the exceptional it was easy to feel unceptional." Agustín ranted.

Mira just made agreeing noises while Aurora was hugging her parents while they were stuffing her with kisses. "Ok papi!" Mirabel said.

"Eat." Juileta said while giving Alejandro and Agustín food but the continues to talk. "Mi amor if you ever wanna talk."Juileta said.

"I gotta go put up the stuff the house won't decorate itself!" Mirabel said then the banners went a little down.

"Sorry you could you look great." She apologized.

"Los querido, remember!"

"Yeah remember!"

"You have nothing to prove!"

"Yeah nothing!"

Juileta made a worried face. Augstín turned around and saw her face so he did the same thing.

Mirabel was setting up candles. "Clean your rooms I don't care how big they are!" Abulea yelled then Mirabel then stood up and looked at the pictures and so did Aurora.

"ONE HOUR!" Abulea Alma yelled and it made Mirabel jump back on Abulea Alma's candle "Oh! No no no no no!" She said stomping and trying to get the flames out.

"Maybe you should leave the decorations to someone... Else like Aurora or someone." Abulea said while Aurora who put on a fake smile.

"Oh no I actually made these as a surprise... for you- OH!"

She held up Abulea Alma's and it was still in flames but Aurora stopped it with some ice and Mirabel had a nervous smile and dropped it since it was starting to get really cold.

"Mirabel I know you want to help but tonight must go perfectly!" Abulea said while Mirabel had a fake smile.

"The whole town relies on our family on our gifts so the best way for some people to help is to.. Step aside let the rest of the family do what they do best. Okay?"

Mirabel nodded while with a fake smile Aurora saw something was wrong but she didn't need to mess up even if she wanted to smack Abulea Alma with all her might or throw her down the stairs.

Aurora got out of her daze when she heard thunder. "Pepa the cloud!" Abulea Alma said.

"I know mama, but now I can't find Antonio! WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!?" Pepa said while thundering Mirabel and Aurora started to walk to Mira's room.

"Mama be nice to Mirabel you know tonight is going to be a hard for her." Julieta said to Abulea.

"If this gift ceremony doesn't go well this time. Tonight will be hard for us all."
Mirabel shut her door and then the two girls sat on Mirabel's bed then Mirabel opened a drawer and got a gift and Aurora got hers.

"Everyone's looking for you~" Mirabel said while playing with the strings of the gift.

"This present will self destruct if you don't take it in 3 2 1~" Aurora said while wiggling it under the bed then felt a snatch. "Oh" Aurora said then both girls got under the bed.

"Nervous?" Aurora said Antonio put his head in his arms "You have nothing to worry about you're going to get your gift and open that door and it's going to be the coolest ever. I know it." Aurora said "What if it doesn't work." He whispers.

"Well in that impossible scenario you'll stay here in the nursery with me. Forever and I get you all to my self!" Mirabel says while tickling him and making him giggle.

"I wish you had a door." Antonio said while looking at Mirabel.

"You know what you don't have to worry about me because I have a amazing family and a amazing house and amazing you." She said and he smiled.

"And seeing you get your special gift and your door that's going to make me and Aurora way more happy than anything" Antonio smiled "But alas I am going to miss having the worlds best roomy." Mirabel says.

Both girls bring there gift towards him he started to open Aurora and inside was a tiger necklace and he had a shocked expression.

"I knew you LOVED animals so I wanted to get you something animal themed!" Aurora said with a big grin. "Thanks Aurora I love it!"

Aurora clipped it on then Antonio started to open Mirabels gift he also had a huge grin when he saw the tiger plush.

"I know you're a animal guy and I made this so when you move into your cool new room you always have something to snuggle with!"

Then Antonio hugged both of them then a board lifted and they saw a clock that said it was almost time.

"All right hombrecito you ready?" Antonio nodded when they were trying to get out Mirabel spoke up.

"Sorry I have to get one more squeeze!" She said while hugging the two then the boards made them bounce up and down "Alright alright!" Mirabel said while the other two was giggling.

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