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Jin's POV:

"Yoongi-chi pick up the call please for fuck sake!!",

I screamed for the nth time throwing the things here and there , feeling angry ,
it's been a week since Yoongi-chi Left , the moment I got to know about him I left in search for him ,
I went to his house ,
office anywhere I could go .

I called him many times at first he didn't responded but now he's switched off his phone .

"Seokjin please stop !!",

I heard Taehyung's Voice who now came upto me and took the Phone from my hands ,

" What do you think you're doing Taehyung ,
I fucking told you I don't want to see you !!",

I shouted at him ,
But he didn't respond ,

"Kim Taehyung You bastard,
First you didn't treat me properly Saying you loved Yoongi-chi, but now you said you broke up with him , don't you feel Guilty for what you're doing ,
Huh !!!",

I said annoyed but still he just kept quiet not responding,

"Can you fucking say something !!", I shouted at him and finally He looked at me and then smirked making me frown ,

"Yeah , It's me who should feel guilty right ,
For everything ,
first Mistake was Loving Yoongi Hyung though I didn't wanted to marry you but still had to well that's my mistake ,
not being able to Protect Yoongi Hyung and our Child too my mistake , Marrying you and not wanting to give you false hope is my Mistake  ,
your illness is my mistake and Falling for you too is my Mistake right Seokjin !!",
he shouted making me flinch ,

"I told my Feelings for you Seokjin but all you did was blame me for letting Yoongi go ,
when he himself left ,
If you want to say I didn't fight enough for him ,
well you're wrong cause I did ,
all this time I fought for protecting Yoongi Hyung ,
but the love I feel for you is stronger but you look at you ...."
He said and Finally Broke Down Crying , I myself Sobbed ,

"I ...I don't know..T..Taehyung ,'s not F..fair to Yoo...Yoongi..", I sobbed letting my feelings out as for Tae he rushed to me Hugging me ,
I as well hugged him crying in his embrace!!


Taehyung's POV:

"Sir Here!!",

said the maid Handing me the Towels with A bowl filled with water as I thanked her .

" I'm sorry for everything Seokjin !!", I said sitting next to the now sleeping Seokjin ,
For the past One week he's been going on about Searching Yoongi Hyung ,
but after a week I finally got him and made him to now stay in house knowing Yoongi Hyung won't come now !!


Jin's POV:

I sigh looking at the now uncomfortably sleeping Taehyung on the Couch ,
He must have fallen asleep there while taking care of me .

I got up from my Bed and Grabbed a blanket and Cushion for him to sleep comfortably!!

I whispered Caressing His hair as he Grumbled while I made him lay down comfortably now on the couch , resting his head on the pillow and covered him with the blanket!!

" He looks pale !!",

I said Looking at Tae who's deep in his sleep ,
He looks like he loosed some weight and also looks pale !!

Throughout this time it was Yoongi-chi and me for whom he worried and who were taken care of , but no one took care of him !!

I said so many things to him today , But if I think it if anyone was in his Situation they would have literally gone crazy ,
To be forced to marry the one you don't love , having his boyfriend Kidnapped ,loosing your child ,
Living with the one you don't love , trying to not let your boyfriend's feeling's get hurt and not wanting to give false hope to me normally if it was someone else they would have been even worse but luckily Taehyung never touched me or Hurted me , even though he ignored me and didn't talked to me !!

"I'm sorry for all the pain and Hurt given to you by everyone including me ,
but I..I just feel lost ,
I don't know if I should give ourselves a try especially when it's unfair to Yoongi..",
I whispered looking down ,

" Then give me a chance Jin !!",
I heard Taehyung's deep voice Making me gasp and Look at him only to see him now awake ,

"Don't think about Anything hmm...for once just think about yourself Seokjin  ,
What do you want , do you want to give the two of us ,
our relationship a try ,
just this once!!",

he said now getting up and taking my Hands in his looking at me ,
making me gulp and Then with a long deep sigh I finally looked right into his Eyes ,

"Yes, I...I want to give it a try ,
even if it's selfish but still!!",
I said , as for Taehyung he smiled and Hugged me ,

"Thank you for giving me this chance Seokjin ,

Thank you so-so much !!!".








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