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Taehyung's POV:


" Shhh Seokjin it's ok!!",I said as I laid him down on his Bed ,
inside his room ,
after all that crying , I went to Jin and Bought him home ,
though He cried and throwed a tantrum because ge was so drunk but it's ok ,
it's my fault for him being in such state after all.

My phone buzzed ,
so I took it out of my pocket to see it was Yoongi Hyung ,
so I picked it up ,

"Tae did you Find Jin Hyung yet...",

" I found him Hyung he's in my House come here!!" , I said to him ,
to which he became silent at first,

"O..ok i'll be there soon !!", he said and hanged the call making me sigh .


"He should'nt Have had that drink , it's not good for him!!", said Yoongi Hyung ,
sitting on the bed now ,
he arrived within 15 minutes of the call ,
seeing Seokjin's state he was worried sick and asked me what happened to him ,
I told him i'll tell him later but first he should Change Seokjin's wet Dress ,
so he did so as I went outside the room.

Now here we both are ,
I told him all and well he cried listening to that though he's now a bit Calm ,

" Tae I asked for such Request for Hyung only ,
he ..He's hurting he always have ,
but he atleast deserve this much don't you think to he always loved you , waited for you to accept his love , he ...I..I want him to feel being loved Tae ,
S..So I want you to love him ,
Don't look at me that way ,
I know you Like him Tae ,
I..I..Know  and I know you know about it as well ,
so please open your Heart for him ,
please Tae...P..please!!", Yoongi Hyung said now Crying ,
I too cried at his Request and Statement ,
walking towards him I hugged him ,

"I..I don't know hyung ,'re right like Seokjin ,
or Maybe E..even love him , but If I..I with him ,
what about you hmm?
You know I love you ,
I..I...don't know what to do any..anymore!!",
I said Crying out loud ,

"Choose Him Tae over me ,
give him the love he deserves Tae ,
He deserves you and Your love ,
I know you love me but I also know the kind of love you feel for him is way too deeper and more intense , please Tae don't miss the Chance to love him,
you've already messed up a lot ,
but please No more !!", he said crying as I cried too but now nodding at his request ,

"I..I will do that H..Hyung I..I..will love Seokjin the way he deserves ...I..I will do!!!",
I said hugging Yoongi Hyung tight.

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