Chapter 16 Meeting Moon

Start from the beginning

"Whatever y/n ok Gregory how do you feel about going to school huh meeting new people well kids making new and more friends you know." Liam said

"Oooo that sounds fun I wanna go back but y/n says no." Gregory said

"Gregory what the hell i dont say no." I said

"Uh huh ok well Gregory what do you think about going back though like soon huh?" Liam asked

"Really hell yea I wanna go back I wanna make more friends and that way I can invite people over for my birthday and then we can do sleep overs and oh that would be fun." Gregory said with a big smile

You looked at how Gregory was happy and now looking back you felt bad that he isnt having a normal childhood going to school having friends over sleep overs and birthday parties

"You know what let's do it I'll talk to Samantha about it cause I know she will be fine on taking you and Isa to school we'll just have to find a day to enroll you and everything ok and to see if her parents are fine with taking care if you till I go get you and all unless there is an afterschool thing " I said smiling at him

"Yessss thank you y/n your the best!" Gregory said going back to the living room to play the vr

"Well then looks like you going to have to get calling you know." Liam said

"Yea yea I know I'll be upstairs calling with Sam to see if she's ok with the whole thing then." I said

"Alright then tell me how it goes ok " Liam said while you went upstairs


"Hellooo y/n what's up?" Samantha said

"Heyyy I gotta ask you sumthin real quick?" I said

"Yea sure what's it about?" Samantha said

"Alright well Gregory hasn't gone to school for a whole year and since Isa goes to school i was wondering if its ok if we can enroll him soon when soon i dont know but i want him to have a normal child life you know." I said

"Uh huh well we can try to enroll him but you dont live near the school its a little to far dont you think i mean we can work it out or find another school near you guys." She said

"I know but since Isa goes to school maybe Gregory can go with her so he at least knows someone, i mean at what time does the school start like what 7 8 maybe." I said

"It starts at 8:30 and it ends at 2:30." She said

"See thats not so bad your parents house it like 15 20 minutes away from here the school maybe 25 so if i wake him up around 6:50 maybe 7 he can make it on time and my shift dont start until 12 at night so im good what you think?" I said

"Fine y/n he can go to school with Isa but when do you plan on you know enrolling him and all?" She said

"Maybe next week so i can go shopping for him like clothes, supplies and snacks you know and also he will be in like 4th grade so im good on everything you know im 22 so im pretty much considered his mom at this point for emergency contacts i'll put no dad mom me but not really you know and aunt uncle you and Liam grandparents your parents so we good and for like someone else just in case i'll add Vanessa too." I said

"Wow you have all this planned huh." She said

"Nope just came up with all of it just now but hey good right i can go tomorrow for the clothes and for the supplies and snacks i can just go Saturday and maybe Sunday i can go to the school so he can right away go on a Monday you know." I said

 (Glamrock Freddy x reader) Am I Dreaming or is this Real?Where stories live. Discover now