Chapter 18: Training,Hostages,& Power

Start from the beginning

Sneakily stepping into the sun, I made my way around the huge house. I made it to the front of it, seeing children and Omegas running around outside. I was just about to make a run for the woods, when I heard growling. I turned to see a white wolf with grey flecking's in its fur advancing on me. Her growling captured everyone's attention, blowing my cover completely.

"Damnit!" I yelled. Flinging my hand forward, I made the wolf fly backwards and crash into the pack house. The members began to go bat-shit crazy, children crying, Omegas screeching. Complete, utter, chaos. But I did like it. However, I was in a sticky situation, because warrior wolves began to surround me. Looking around frantically, I sped over to a frightened child, and grabbed him by his hair.

Ignoring his struggles, or cries of pain, I kept clutching his hair. I made a ball of fire in my right hand, and held it close to the boy.

"Either you let me go", I warn. "Or this child turns to dust!"


Max's POV-

Cassandra was running like a mad woman towards us.

"Alphas, the mage from the cellar has escaped!" she rasped. "He's taken one of the orphans as a hostage!" Both Lucas and I growled in intense rage. How DARE he do this to an innocent child! Lucas shifted, while I summoned my new staff and jumped onto Lucas's back. We made our way to the front of the pack house, Cassandra hot on our trail. The sight I saw made small flares of fire emit from my staff, my canines also enlarging. Seth had a small boy clutched in his hand. The boy looked no older than six, pale skin, clover green eyes, and curly red-orange hair. He also had brick-red freckles dotted on his nose. His eyes held so much terror and innocence as Seth had his head pulled back by gripping his hair, holding a fireball only a few inches from his neck.

I jumped off of Lucas's back, and slowly approached Seth and the boy, clutching my staff tightly.

"Seth", I said, calmly, my voice full of authority. "Let the child go or suffer the consequences." Seth just sneered at me.

"Not until you let me go first!" he demanded.

"You know I can't do that", I said, still calm, a plan forming in my head. It was risky, but it just might work. He gave me a sinister grin.

"Fine then", Seth said, darkly. He was about to throw the fireball in the boy's face, but I was quicker. I hurriedly made small circles with my left hand, and the boy teleported out of Seth's hand. He appeared beside Lucas's wolf self in a puff of white smoke. Seth yelled with anger and threw the fireball at me. I quickly deflected it, and held out my left hand, placing him under a Choking Curse. He began coughing and gasping for breath. I kept choking him as I walked up to him, making the tip of my staff glow bright gold. My eyes began to glow gold as well.

"Wrong move, trying to kill one of MY pack members", I said, my voice surprisingly calm despite the anger I felt. "Especially a young, defenseless child. For that, your punishment is a fate worse than death." I pressed the tip of my staff to his stomach, his body now glowing gold from the staff touching him. The pack watched in wonder as they witnessed what I was about to do.

"I, Maxwell James Lavellen, the Second Alpha of the Spirit Lake Pack, herby strip you of your magic and rank, and all spells that you or others have placed upon you are also removed", I declared. His eyes widened in disbelief. An even brighter string of gold light emitted from where my staff was touching him and traveled up it before vanishing into the wood. Seth's pale face turned even paler, his once chocolate brown eyes turning into a light beige color. His hair also became a pale yellow, unlike its former blonde complexion. I removed my staff from his stomach and released him from the choking spell. He fell to the ground and coughed and wheezed while looking at me in horror.

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