Chapter 7: Merry Berry Love

Começar do início

Me: R-right! I'm on it!

Sandwich Cookie has been a lot crankier in the past few days after the cancelled JellyPalooza Rock Festival. I guess I deserved that for abandoning her job at the time.

[End Music]


{I Promise: by No Seung Ho (Nemesis)}



Opening begins with Blank Cookie waking up from the Oven. He looks at the Witch eating a gingerbread cookie and gets horrified, forcing him to run away and jump out of the window.



He ran away from some cake monsters, but tripped over. Then a Jelly Worm towered above him, making him curl up in fear of getting eaten. Then suddenly the Jelly Worm gets zapped by Wizard Cookie's lightning magic.

Then the heroic cookies (GingerBrave, Strawberry, Wizard, Chili Pepper, and Custard III) came to the rescue and defeated the monsters harassing Blank.

Blank watched them in awe. Then GingerBrave offered his hand as the rest of his group stood behind him.

Blank stares for a moment before hesitantly grabbing GingerBrave's hand as the title appears.

Blank stares for a moment before hesitantly grabbing GingerBrave's hand as the title appears

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:[What Kind of Cookie am I?]

(Waking up, I see your smiling face,)

GingerBrave and his gang take Blank to the Cookie Kingdom. Blank gazed in amazement at the sight.

(But the dream only vanishes away)

The kingdom is populated with many gingerbread cookies of all kinds! As the view of the kingdom's residents shifts to the castle, Princess Cookie bows to the readers while Knight Cookie looks at them suspiciously, forcing the princess to push him aside.

(As the morning sky turns pink)

Despite his lack of flavor or talent, Blank tries his best to fit in. Even trying to learn new things with the help of many cookies living in the kingdom, but to no avail.

Examples include tripping over while delivering sandwiches, getting pummeled by Plum and Peach Cookies (individually, of course), practising ninjitsu with Ninja Cookie (he ends up not throwing far enough, with Ninja facepalming), and getting pranked by Cherry, Pancake, and Gumball Cookies (getting covered in ashes, acorns and gumballs).

What Kind of Cookie Am I? (Cookie Run: Kingdom; Female Harem X Male OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora