'His Claim'

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Park Jimin : King of Busan
Jeon Jungkook : Prince of Daegu
Kim Taehyung : Commander of Busan
Choi Yn : Princess of Gwangju
Princess Rose
Prince Seokjin : Gwangju
Prince Yoongi : Busan

End of indro.

The moonlight hit my face as soon as I opened the curtain. It felt like it has conquer all the darkness of the kingdom. But a far I could see lights and fires glowing in the dark far from kingdom looking like fireflies. I could hit the smell of dried blood in the air spreading around the kingdom. I could hear the clash of swords still going on making my heart dropped knowing that the war is still going on. I closed my eyes trying to stop the thoughts lingering inside my head for past few weeks. I tightly held the curtain and exhaled a deep sigh.

Today my kingdom was in danger because of me,the soldiers are loosing there lives because of me, every child and woman are living under danger because of me. I felt anger bubble inside of me just thinking about that man. How can someone be so selfish and heartless. How can someone be so greedy and monster? How can someone claim a person as a property?

He was killing some many inocent lives for what? Just to claim someone who doesn't love him?

Mahida: Princess! You haven't slept yet?

A voice called out from behind making me close the curtain and look behind.

Yn: I am not feeling like sleeping Mahida!

Hearing upon this she came with her worried eyes.

Mahida: Princess! Don't do this to yourself! These past days since war has began you are not being well which might effect your health.. I am concerned princess!

Yn: how can I Mahida! Knowing that these all are happening for me how can I eat well? Sleep well? how can I be so selfish?

Mahida: Princess!

Her voice was soft almost like pleading but she knows that this is truth, the reality that we are facing. After some moment of silence I stood up and went towards the curtain and opened it up and let a exhausting sigh.

Yn: this is it! I am putting this to an end.

I turned around facing Mahida while she looked at me with confusion.

Yn: Send a message to his majesty that I have taken the decision to fulfill this desire!

A gasp left from Mahida as soon as she heard my words.

Mahida: Princess! You are... you are going to give yourself to the monster?

Her eyes in pure fear and worry for me. But i have no option, he is not going to stop. He will claim me anyhow.

Yn: I can't see my kingdom, my people like this, it is clear and he is going to win. If I go now atleast my kingdom will be safe and my people too.

"The King's Desire"  [Jimin FF] 🔞Where stories live. Discover now