But I knocked her down and slide the axe away while Hiccup try to calm Crystal and Toothless. Once I saw that they were still roaring I got up and said "It's okay it's okay. She's a friend." They then calm down as I gave them a soft whistle tune. They looked at Astrid and started to growl lowly a little as I started to pet them. "You just scare them." Hiccup said and she replied "I scare them! Who's them." So I said "Astrid, Toothless and Crystal, Toothless and Crystal, Astrid." I pointed at her as they hiss. 

She then looked at us with disbelief and started running away. "Duh duh duh we're dead." Hiccup said to us as Toothless and Crystal started trotting away. I looked at them "Woah woah woah where do you think you guys are going?" Hiccup said as I whistle for them to come back as I did. I petted them "Okay I know that you don't like her but just because you don't like her doesn't mean that we can just let her tell the village about you guys. We need to protect you guys and we won't be able to convince her without you guys and I promise we will get her to apologize once we can get her to our side." I said as they nodded. Hiccup sigh in relief and said "You and your words always work." I giggle and said "Just stating the truth." 

We then got onto Toothless and Crystal and started flying. I looked down to see Astrid running so I pointed to her and said "There she is let's go." We then fly towards her as Toothless grabbed onto her and she started screaming. We then dropped her onto a tree branch as Crystal and Toothless bended to tree down to have her hanging. 

"HICCUP, Y/N! GET ME DOWN FROM HERE!" she yell aggressively. "You have to give us a chance to explain." Hiccup pleaded but she didn't listen "I AM NOT GOING TO LISTEN TO ANYTHING YOU HAVE YOU SAY!" She yell back while climbing the tree branch. "Then we won't speak. Just let us show you. Please Astrid." I said and hold out my hand. 

She then climbed up and was going to touch Crystal to get on but she and Toothless growl. She slapped my hand away which made me sad but brush it off as she got on behind me.  "Now get me down." She said while looking down. I petted Crystal's head and said "Now Crystal and Toothless down. Gently." As she spread her wings. Hiccup look at Astrid and said "See? Nothing to be afraid of." But I saw Toothless and Crystal giving each other looks and I knew something was going to happen. So I immediately wrapped Astrid's arms around my waist. 

They then launch off really fast and fly straight up. Astrid scream and hold onto my waist really tight. "Crystal, Toothless! What is wrong with you guys? Bad dragons!" Hiccup yell and looked at Astrid. We both laugh nervously as I said "Haha. T-they're not usually like this." But then they started diving upside down and Astrid started yelling again. 

They both dunk us underwater a couple of times. "Crystal and Toothless what are you guys doing?! We need her to like us!" I said but they kept going and started flying straight up again while spinning. "And now they're spinning. Thank you for nothing you useless reptiles." Hiccup said as they started diving again while spinning. 

Astrid then got enough of it and said "Okay I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Just get me off of this thing." After she said that they stop and started gliding. The sun was setting and I looked at Astrid and said "Open your eyes Astrid. You might want to see this." She then open her eyes and they started to widen and sparkle. I giggle as we then started flying through clouds. 

She looked around in amazement and reach her arm out to touch the clouds. I smile softly at her happy that she looks happy. She lifted both of her arms to touch the clouds and close her eyes and smile brightly. We then fly into a circle backwards and went above clouds as auroras started to appear. I looked up and smile since it was so pretty. 

We then pass the clouds and in front of us was Berk which looked really pretty at night time. She smile and I saw Crystal turn her head and smile brightly. I patted her head softly as she silently purr. Astrid then wrap her arms around my waist and put her chin on my shoulder. 

"All right. I admit it. This is pretty cool. It's amazing." She admitted then looked down. "They're amazing." as she patted Crystal's side and I giggle "I'm happy you were able to get a chance to see this. Not a lot of people would of have this chance at this time around." and she nodded in agreement. I didn't notice Hiccup looking at me with a love daze looked but Astrid notice and gave him a smirk as he look away and blush. Crystal and Toothless started to laugh at them but I didn't notice. 

"So what now? Hiccup, Y/n your final exam is tomorrow. You know you'll have to kill it." Astrid said as me and Hiccup sigh. "Don't have to remind us that." Hiccup said and I notice Crystal's and Toothless' eyes turn slit. It got me concern as I said "Crystal, Toothless, what wrong?" They then started started diving as Astrid yelp and Hiccup ask "Toothless, Crystal what's happening?" 

They started to fly really fast and I knew something was up. "What is it you guys?" They just roar in response. Then a monstrous nightmare appear so I said "Get down!" which Hiccup and Astrid follow. Then as we fly by a bunch of dragons started to appear. "What going on?" Astrid asked as me and Hiccup said "I don't know." "Toothless, Crystal you gotta get us out of here." Hiccup said as he place a hand on Toothless' head but he shake it off. "Something is going on and I have a bad feeling it's not good." I thought. 

To be Continue.... 


End of Chapter 

A/n: I know that I left it on a hangover but it makes it more interesting you know. 

Hope you enjoy it :)

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