Find me

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Voight was leaning his shoulder against the frame of my door. I roll my eyes back in annoyance.

"What are you doing here, Hank?" I ask politely despite my frustration with him. I jam my key into the lock and turn it to the left before twisting the door knob, my door swinging forward to let me inside.

"I had a feeling you would be coming home after all" He says.

I walk into my apartment and throw my keys onto the kitchen counter. A little too harsh. The lights flick on to reveal a clean kitchen. Hanks eyes narrow as he scans the entirety of my apartment. I walk past him and into my room to start packing a bag of clothes.

"Yeah well, I need a couple of things."
"Where are you staying?"

"I'm heading to Sylvie's" I lie through my teeth. Thankfully, my back was facing him unable to give him the chance to read my face and find out I was lying to him. I work fast, packing a bag in a hurry to get out of here before Hank drowns me with any more questions. I hated lying to him. I hate it even worse when he finds out but I will make sure he doesn't.

"Huh." Voight grunts. He doesn't sound to be convinced but I continue packing my essentials, avoiding direct eye contact with him. I make a mental note in my mind to give Sylvie a call before I make it to Jays apartment. That way if she receives an unexpected call she will be prepared to lie to him.

"Do me a favor" I throw my duffel bag over my shoulder, "Don't do anything crazy when you find Leo. Keep him alive" I ask Voight. He pretends to give my favor some thought.

Voight doesn't say anything as he follows me out the front door. I go over things in my head and mentally check off everything I need, making sure I haven't forgotten everything. When certain I packed all the things I'll need, I lock my front door. Voight lingers by, waiting to walk me to my car I'm sure and staying back a few minutes to make sure no suspicious vehicles follow me. There's no doubt that is exactly what he plans on doing. Hopefully, because that would be better than the other possible thing he could do. Follow me until I get to my destination.

"I'll walk you to your car" He says when we step into the elevator.

"I figured you would" I say quietly, keeping my eyes on the metal doors. We both step out of the elevator in perfect harmony. Voight steps in front of me to get the door open. I mumble a thank you and continue walking to my car, Voight following suit.

"I knew you would trade your Honda in once you saved enough for a Jeep" Voight huffs out what I believe to be a laugh. I smile proudly at my Wrangler who I named Midnight.

"Oh I was ready to get rid of that Honda. No offense" I quickly look over to Voight. He was the one who helped me buy my first car at 16.

Voight's mouth twitches. "None taken"

I toss my duffel bag to the back seat and hop into the drivers seat. Voight clears his throat as I shove my key into the ignition, the engine roaring.

"All set? You got everything?" Voights eyes slowly scan the entire lot of my apartment complex.

"Yeah, I should be good."
"Okay, I'll see you tomorrow kid" he shuts my door close for me.

Before I shift into drive, I roll my window down and look to Voight for one more favor.

"Can you please call me when you find anything out on Leo?" I try hiding the desperation in my voice but I couldn't help it. Him being here in Chicago has me on edge and I hate to admit that. I just won't admit it to Voight.

Voight gives the hood of my car a light tap. "Good night" is all he says.

My knuckles tap against Jays apartment door. My head twitches as I look to my right, staring down the hallway. You're good. You weren't followed here. My instincts scream at me to trust I am fine.

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