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Ayla Grace walked into the cozy bar named Molly's and searched the area for her friend. A few heads turn to the doorway. Some immediately go back to whatever they were doing while others lingered. It wasn't anything new if people stared at Ayla Grace longer than 3 seconds. She was beautiful. Skin kissed by the sun. Dark hair. Hazel eyes. A beauty that was hard not to look at.

When Ayla finally spots her best friend, she makes her way over and taps her on her shoulder.

"Oh my god!! Ayla!" Sylvie wipes off the bit of beer that spilt down to her chin from her surprise. She pulls Ayla into a hug. "I can't believe you're here! It's been how long? Four years?" Sylvie jumps up and down with excitement knowing her friend is back home for good, she hopes.

"Me either! Had to cut my time short in New York and come home" Ayla shrugs. She notices some eyes staring at her but keeps her eyes on Sylvie.

Sylvie's eyes light up with realization. She spins around and points to the people who were looking at Ayla with curious eyes.

"Ayla, meet Gabby Dawson and Joe Cruz! Gabby, Joe. Meet Ayla Grace" Sylvie smiles widely as she introduces her friends to one another.

Gabby extends a hand and flashes a wide smile. "Hi! Nice to meet you!"

"You too" Ayla shakes her hand and returns the smile. Then, she does the same with Joe Cruz.

"Welcome to Chicago!" Joe says to her.

"Back!" Sylvie corrects him. "Welcome back home" she says with a warm smile. Ayla chuckles.

"Thank you!"

"Hey Hermann!! Another beer please" Gabby shoots her hand up and waves at the man who was working behind the bar. "For our new friend, Ayla"

Ayla immediately turns to the man behind the bar. "Oh no, it's okay!"

"Hey! you come into my bar and my people wanna take care of ya, let us" Hermann says, nodding his head to Ayla. "One cold beer for our new friend coming rrrright up!"

Ayla tries to turn down the cold drink but gets a sense she won't win this one. Instead, she accepts the cold drink in her hands and raises it to Hermann.

"Only been back home not even an hour and you guys are treating me this nice. I like you guys already"Ayla laughs.

"Of course. That's what we do" Joe Cruz says.

"Come, sit down" Sylvie pats the empty seat next to her. Ayla scoots into the seat next to her and takes a sip of the beer.

"So, what brings you back to Chicago Ayla?" Gabby starts conversation.

"Work" Ayla says. "I start my first day tomorrow at the 21st district."

Gabby raises her eyebrows. "Really? My brother works there with the intelligence unit! Yeah, his name is Antonio Dawson."

"Yeah? Well, I'll be seeing him tomorrow then!"

"You're going to do amazing there" Sylvie says. "They're lucky to have you join their team."

Sylvie's positive words bring warmth to Ayla. She was nervous about her first day tomorrow. Ayla didn't know what to expect. But one thing she was sure of is that she was one hell of a detective and there is a reason for why she is back in Chicago. She knows she will do everything she can to protect this city. Her home.

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