Chapter Two

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Iwaizumi could feel a buzzing vibration on the side of his face as he tried to open his eyes. He blindly felt around under his pillow and found his cell phone, he picked it up and looked at the caller i.d 'Shittykawa calling'. He groaned and answered it,"WHAT" is all he said.

"Iwa chaaannnnn, where are you? I've been waiting outside for the last 10 minutes and it's cold" Oikawa whinned. Iwa checked the time and flew out of bed, he was late. This was all down to the array of weird and wonderful dreams that he had about the very idiot that was currently on the other side of the phone. "You go on crappykawa, I don't wanna make you late and I need to get dressed" and with that he put down the phone and started to get ready for school.

Ten minutes later he was running down the stairs towards the door, he opened the door and propelled himself at full speed smashing straight into Oikawa. Iwa looked down when he realised that they were on the floor, Oikawa underneath him looking dazed. He immediately flushed bright red and lept off his friend, holding his hand out to help him up. "Damn Iwa chan, what's wrong with you today?"

"Why are you still here? I told you to go on" Iwa snarled. " I'm just being a good friend Iwa chan, so I thought I'd wait for you but I'm wondering now, why I bothered" Oikawa complained crossing his arms over hs chest and pouting. 'God he still looks stunning even when he's pouting' Iwa thought to himself and then he thought, 'what the actual fuck is going on in my head right now?'

Oikawa had a knack for reading people and he could tell that something wasn't right with Iwa. "What's going on with you today Iwa chan?" he asked suspiciously. The spikey haired boy wouldn't meet his gaze but replied, "nothing, I'm just tired, I didn't get much sleep and we're gonna be late, to top it all off". This seemed to satisfy Oikawa's curiosity for the time being. "I wondered why you look like shit this morning Iwa but that explains it" Kawa chortled. "Hey loserkawa, I don't look like shit". "I beg to differ Iwa chan" the boy replied.

Unluckily for Oikawa, the last remark earned him a slap to the back of the head.

The boys eventually made it to morning practice, everything was already set up and the team were doing warm up exercises thanks to Makki and Matsun. "Morning everyone" Kawa shouted. "Morning Captain" they replied. "Okay everyone, we're gonna do a drill were I set for you and you have to try and score a point by getting your spike past Makki, Matsun or Iwa chan. However please be careful if you spike to Iwa chan as he is feeling a little fragile today" Iwa glared at the boy, "Fuck you stupidkawa" "You wish" Kawa fired back with a mischievous grin on his face. No one but Matsun noticed the extreme shade of red that the boys face turned.

Interesting he thought.

The boys all gathered together in their usual seating area for lunch. Makki was helping Kawa fight of his fan girls but Matsun's gaze rested on Iwaizumi's face as the boy had fallen asleep without eating his lunch. The bell indicating that lunch was over rang but Iwa didn't move a muscle. Makki tried to shake him but that didn't work, so Kawa decided to flop on top of him to try and wake him.

The boy let out a yelp as his friend dropped all of his weight onto him. Iwa nearly had an heart attack when he realised that Kawa was sat on his lap, his lips mere centimetres away from Iwa's. The boy felt his heart rate increase and all he wanted to do was kiss the boy. For a split second their eyes met, neither saying a word until Kawa eventually jumped up dragging the boy with him.

The four friends split into groups of two as Matsun and Iwa had English for the next lesson and Makki and Kawa had Math. Matsun waited until they were out of sight and smirked at Iwa, "you have feelings for him, don't you?" Iwaizumi looked at his friend trying to come across as indignant. "Who? What are you talking about Matsun?"

"You have feelings for Kawa. Don't you?" Iwa just stood there trying not to look flustered but he was. How was he gonna hide this, how could he hide this?

If you wanna kiss me, go for it!Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu