Chapter One

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It was meant to be Iwaizumi and Oikwa's turn to clean the gymn but for some reason Makki and Matsun had offered, no insisted, that they would do it. "There's something really sus about this" Iwa said with a puzzled look on his face. "Those two try anything to get out of cleaning, even when it's their turn". He looked at his friend who was tapping on his cell phone ignoring everything that the spikey haired boy had said.

"Oi, shittykawa are you listening to me?" he shouted. The Captain jumped, "sorry, sorry Iwa chan I was texting Suga chan, what did you say". "If you can't be bothered listening to me I'm not gonna repeat myself" he said growling at Kawa. "Please Iwa chan tell meeeeee, I promise I'll listen".

After what seemed like lifetime of plea's Iwa had, had enough, "shut up you irritating fuck. I just said I thought that it was extremely sus that Makki and Matsun had offered to do the cleaning". Kawa looked at him as an evil smirk appeared on his face, "let's go back and spy on them".

"I'm not doing that shit, some of us have things to do when we get home. I don't have minions to do my homework like you" Iwa grumbled. Kawa looked at him with a fake shocked expression and gasped, "i'll have you know Iwaizumi that I do all of my own homework". "No you don't, your fan girls do it" Iwa replied. The brunette replied, "well at least I copy it, so it's like I'm doing it myself because I'm the one writing the answers". Iwa glared at him.

"Please Iwa, we may be able to get blackmail on them, they may have girls in the clubroom and then we can get them to do all of our cleaning or we'll spill their tea". Iwa sighed, "If I go with you will it shut you up?" "Yayyyy" shouted Kawa grabbing Iwaizumi and dragging him towards the gymn.

When the boys reached the gymn it was locked but the lights were on in the clubroom. "Come on Iwa chan" Kawa whispered, "you open the door quickly and I'll get ready to gather the evidence."

Iwa grabbed the door and they burst through it, Kawa didn't realise what was going on as he was trying to line up his phone to take the photo but Iwa did. "Kawa, put the phone down" Iwaizumi shouted, which alerted the other two boys to the fact that they were no longer alone. Then the flash went off as Oikawa realised what he had just taken a photo of.

Matsun had Makki pinned up against the wall and Makki had his legs wrapped around his friends thighs. Both were extremely breathless and flushed and both sporting obvious hard on's. "Oh fuck, fuck, my eyes. What the hell are you two doing?" Kawa screamed.

"It's not what it looks like" Makki screeched, obviously very embarrassed. Iwa just stood his mouth agape and his eyes bulging. He had caught his friends virtually in the act, he didn't care that they were gay, he was just shocked that the two hadn't told him and that he had never noticed any signs. Iwa had always thought that he was extremely observant, but now not so much.

"Please guys, don't tell anyone" Makki cried. Iwa was just about to respond but was stopped by Kawa who had walked over to a distressed Makki. He pulled him into a hug and said softly, "it's okay. It doesn't matter to us if you love girls, boys or both as long as you are both happy and we would never tell anyone. It's up to you if and when you wanna tell people but just know that Iwa chan and I will always support you both". "Thanks Kawa" Matsun replied.

For some reason when Kawa was talking to Makki, Iwa had felt a twinge in his heart and a fluttering feeling in his stomach but he didn't know what it was. He felt his friend grab his hand and gently lead him away from the club room. "Come on Iwa chan, lets give them some privacy".

The boys walked home in silence. They reached Oikawa's house first and he waved cheerfully and shouted, "goodnight Iwa chan see you tomorrow." "Good night loserkawa" he replied laughing. "You're so mean Iwa chan".

As the boys lived next door to each other, Iwa arrived home at the same time as Kawa. He ate, did his homework, showered and went to bed. Just as he was dozing off his phone pinged -

KAWA - Iwa chan ❤

IWAIZUMI - Shittykawa 🖕

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IWAIZUMI - Shittykawa 🖕

KAWA - Mean Iwa chan 😥😢😭

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KAWA - Mean Iwa chan 😥😢😭


Iwaizumi eventually drifted off to sleep but during the night he happened to have a very confusing dream. He was in the club room and he had Kawa pinned against the wall whilst his friends long slender legs were wrapped around his thighs. They were in the middle of a very heated kiss and grinding against each other.
"Shit" Iwa shouted, as he lurched upright in bed. "What the fuck was that about."

In his dream he was were Matsun had been when they caught their friends in the club room and Kawa was where Makki was. Iwa's breathing was heavy, he felt hot and then looked under the sheets. " Holy fucking shit, that's all I need. I guess this means I have a crush on Tooru 'fucking' shittykawa. God help me.

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