At My Worst (Pink Sweat$) Part Two

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Jean was very late for prom. Prom started about forty-five minutes ago and he was feeling the pressure of it. He came out of the house to see that his tire had decided to deflate at some point. He had no idea why it would do that, but thankfully he knew how to change a tire. In the course of changing his tire, he got absolutely disgusting so he had to take a shower. Before he got into the shower, he was going to text Marco to let him know that he was going to be slightly late only for his phone to die on him. Rather than waiting on it to charge so he could contact him, he decided to just throw it on the charger and shower. He rushed to put his tuxedo on, and then he realized that he didn't even know how to tie a tie. He was so flustered. He was agitated, and he was slightly sticky from being hot when he got out of the shower. Why did things have to go awry exactly when you don't want anything to go wrong at all? He was finally able to hear the words from his best friend that he dreamed of hearing for so long, so why now? Why, of all times, did things have to go wrong? He hopped in his car, cranking it and blowing out of the driveway. Prom started at 7 P.M., and it was 7:45. He was so disheveled he didn't even grab his phone before he left. Thankfully, he didn't live too far away from the school since that was where they were having the prom to save money. 

He nearly turned into the parking lot on two wheels he was in such a hurry. He jumped out of the car, knowing he had already missed senior lead out but that was irrelevant to him at a time like this. He wanted to see Marco. He wanted to see his freckled face, dark brown hair that was slightly curled at the ends when he let it grow out, his brown eyes that were deep pools of endless possibilities and thoughts. He wanted to embrace Marco, but that might be a little too much at this stage. He lightly jogged to the entrance of the gym where he seen Bertolt and Reiner. He noticed Bert's face was red and his eyes were puffy. 

"Hey guys. Is everything alright?" Jean asked, knowing it would only hinder him from seeing his angel on earth. He wanted to make sure his friends were okay, since he had been absent mindedly avoiding everyone in his attempt to avoid his feelings. 

"We're okay now. Just had a little chat. Reiner got prom king, y'know." Bertolt said proudly, pointing out the cheap crown Reiner had his head. He quickly jerked it off his head, embarrassment quickly showing on his face. "Awe, come on Reindeer. Don't pout on me." Bertolt stuck his tongue out, and it was clear to Jean just how much Reiner melted at the sight. It made Jean feel happy to see the two complete opposite friends being so happy together. 

"Well as long as you guys are alright, I'm going to go find Marco. I'll see you guys later." Jean said as he waved at the two. He went through the door of the gym, music playing loudly over the speakers, the lights were all over the place. He looked all around for Marco, but it was hard to see with all the people moving around. He couldn't even see a face he recognized. He began to worry that he wasn't even there. Maybe he left early or didn't even show up after all. No, he wouldn't do that even if he wanted to. He's not that kind of person. Jean swallowed and moved into the crowd of people that were supposedly his classmates. Jean had always been a rather reserved person until he met Eren. That kid always agitated him to no end, but it was all just playful banter in reality. No one paid much mind to their bantering after a while. Honestly, Marco was always the complete opposite of Eren. Marco calmed Jean with just a look. There was never really an explanation until he reached middle school. At that point, Jean assumed that he might have been experiencing a little crush just because Marco was such a good friend. But the older Jean got, the more he realized that it wasn't just a crush. It was so much more than that and it ate at him until he cracked and just couldn't take it anymore. He so desperately wanted to be as calm and collected as Marco was, but he was never the type to rational about any emotion he had. That was why he always distanced himself from the other kids when he was younger. He was so thankful for the friends that stuck with him all through childhood and until this very moment. They never once judged him for his irrational take on emotions such as anger and sadness. They just offered their support. 

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