Tired (Alan Walker, Gavin James) Part One

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A feeling of safety, a feeling of being at home with a certain person, a feeling of overall happiness. These things were something that Bertolt had never quite considered when finding love. To be more precise, Bertolt had never quite considered much when it came to finding love, since he wasn't exactly a 'lady's man' so to speak. He wrecked his brain, trying to figure out what it was that he felt. He was probably the least romantic person to ever walk the earth, having never even had a crush before now. Was it just teenage rebellion coming at a late age? Or was it like in those cheesy movies where two people meet and are just immediately head over heels for one another. What did Reiner feel? Was this just a fling for him? Was he just exploring his options to see what he wanted? Or was it something else?

Was Reiner just using Bertolt for his own personal gain? Was he just lonely and in need of companionship that would only last a little while before they went their separate ways with one absolutely heartbroken and the other perfectly fine? "It couldn't be that." Bertolt thought to himself. He sighed heavily and rubbed his face. It was time for him to get ready for his senior prom. He wasn't even sure if it was a good idea anyway. He didn't know how to dance, and he would get really nervous trying to anyway. He threw on his tux that had been hung up and pressed nicely for him and snuck out before his mom could smother him with how handsome he was. Sure, she meant no harm but he was not in the mood for a million and two pictures. He jumped in his dads car because they told him he could borrow it and drove towards the school. Reiner had said he would just meet him there.

But what if he didn't? What if Reiner didn't even show up? Or worse, showed up with someone else and laughed at him? Bertolt groaned at his own self destructive thoughts. He really wanted to have a good time, but he was just overthinking everything per usual. He hummed along with the radio, trying to clear his head a little bit. When he pulled into the parking lot, his heart felt a little less heavy. He seen Reiner propped up against his old truck, sporting his very own tux that fit his muscles just right. Bertolt was immediately a little self conscious of how he looked in his own tux, but not in a bad way. When did he become so madly in love with Reiner?

Love. Bertolt all but stopped breathing at that thought. Was it possible to be so in love with someone you literally feel safe just to see them? Or you feel your worries wash away with a smile. This was a feeling he hadn't had with anyone else, not even his own family. Bertolt jumped when someone tapped on his car window.

"You okay?" Reiner asked when he rolled down the window. Bertolt just smiled a happy smile that Reiner couldn't look away from.

"I'm great. You look nice." Bert said as he exited the car, missing the blushing on Reiner's face. "Is anyone else here?" He added.

"Yeah we talked for a little bit before they all went in the vote for prom king and queen. I don't really care about all that." He replied. "You wanna go in?" Bertolt nodded and the two made their way inside. They met up with Eren and Levi, who was technically only there as a chaperone, as well as Marco and Ymir, they went solo of course. Soon they started senior lead out and then went on to dancing. Bertolt mostly stood off to the side watching everyone have a good time. He didn't mind to be on the sidelines, he'd rather watch his friends enjoy themselves than to make a fool of himself any day. Reiner approached him with a bottle of water. "Are you not going to join in on all the twerking and grinding?" He grinned.

"Believe it or not, that's not really my thing." He retorted to which Reiner chuckled. The music got quiet, and Reiner was about to say something, given that he had leaned in to Bertolt's ear, making Bertolt's whole body heat up, but one of their classmates began talking before he could.

"Hey everyone! We've gotten all the votes tallied up for prom king and queen!" She stated excitedly. She opened up her first envelope to read off the name. "Your prom king is," she paused for dramatic effect. "Reiner Braun!" She finally said. Reiner was frozen on the spot. He thought no one liked him, but there were cheers from all around. Was it him that made a good impression, or was it Bertolt that made him make a good impression? Bertolt nudged him.

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