Chapter 16:: After all,

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Author's POV:

"I know."

Your eyes widened and your body froze seeing Taehyung speak. Coughing awkwardly, you quickly backed away as he stared at your face before sitting properly. 
"What were you doing here?" He asked as you replied, "Mr Kim... I was just... uhh, checking how far you completed."
"Then what did you find beautiful?" He asked calmly with hidden mischief as you awkwardly looked here and there before saying, "Ah- about that. The... sunlight! It's so.. beautiful!"
"I can't even look out properly! Ack!" He spoke looking behind just to be sun slapped on his face making you gulp.

"You're such a useless secretary. Go go! Do your work. And MY GUMMIES. How careless!" He spoke eyeing you as you internally scoffed nodding. Walking out of the cabin after giving him his gummies, you heaved out a sigh.
"Tch, how does he look likeable at all?!" You complained before sitting on your desk.
"He probably didn't even do office work but worked on fooling others. Hah. I saw him sleeping?!" You spoke to yourself rolling your eyes focusing on your work.

---Time skip || 2 hours later

"Ah! I'm done. I should give these documents to Mr Kim now." You said to yourself taking the documents and walking inside his cabin.
"Mr Kim. I brought these files- Where is he?" You asked yourself just to be startled by a voice coming from your back.
"Here. You blind woman." Taehyung spoke as you looked back saying, "Mr Kim- why do you appear out of nowhere?! Are you a teleporter or what?" He sighed saying, "What do you want to say?"
"Oh yeah. These documents... I finished them." You spoke as he replied, "Come here and give them to me then." 

"But I can just keep them on your desk." You frowned saying as he replied, "I want to see them now."
"Then you can just come here?" You asked as he replied, "Can't you see the bookshelf behind me? I'm searching for it. Come here and give it to me." You scoffed internally at his ridiculous demands and walked towards him completely unbothered. You handed him the documents as he eyed them before saying, "Hmm... So you did good but... not that good." He was rambling stuff eyeing the papers unknown to the fact that you weren't even listening to him. Your eyes suddenly caught an interesting book and you were trying your best not to touch it but still peek in it. 
"Woah.." You spoke trying to read the side cover properly jumping a little making Taehyung's attention divert towards you. He looked at you completely speechless as you continued trying to examine the book.

Taehyung was about to take the book out for you but as he forwarded his hands towards you, you got startled and backed away pushing the shelf accidentally causing the books on the top of the shelf to fall. Your and Taehyung's eyes widened seeing the 2 huge books falling right above your head. 
Taehyung pushed you away making you fall as he caught his books heaving a sigh in relief.
"You're safe now." He spoke looking at the books making you stare at him speechlessly. He looked at you and asked, "Are you okay?" You let out a scoff and said, "Are you... for real?!" He looked at you cluelessly and spoke, "These books are so expensive. Tch, you almost tore them apart!" 

"Mr Kim!! You're so heartless." You spoke completely annoyed as he looked at you confused.
"What do you mean by that? Don't you know how expensive this is..?" His statement made you scoff as you replied, "Woah. I wonder how I even thought I liked you. Well, I'm just so sure I don't! Ugh! Do your work and don't bug me please!" You got up stomping out of them as he frowned processing what you said.
"Liked? What does she mean by that..?" He asked himself before shrugging it off but soon his eyes widened realizing, "Did she just... yell at me?!" 

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