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Did Abuela really just do that? Did she really kick our newfound friends out of Casita because she had a petty argument?! Usually, when something like this happens I love the drama but since the love of my life just got kicked out of my house I'm not loving it as much.

Abuela slams the door shut after Fernando Castillo's outburst in a huff. Julietta looks heartbroken. I remembered that Amanda Castillo was her friend, at least someone else is sad about the departure of the only other gifted family we know of. Mami walks off with clear skies above, I see Papa follow her quickly up to their room. Augustin pats Julietta on the back comforting her as they too walk up to their room. 

Isabella looked unaffected and sashayed off to her room not before adding flower on the top of her door. Luisa was bawling her eyes out and stomped away. Soon the only ones not in their rooms were me, Abuela, Dolores, and Mirabel. As I began walking over to my older sister Abuela calls my name and beckons me towards the kitchen with her.

"Now Camilo, I know you were friends with that Castilo girl, but I will not accept you hanging out with someone like that. So, I better not see you with her again. And tell that to everyone! No Madrigal will EVER be friends with a Castillo. EVER." Abuela regained her posture and left to go up to her room, probably to ask Abuelo Pedro for guidance or whatever.

Dolores and Mirabel stood outside of my door. "Uh hey?" I said confused as to why they weren't in their rooms like the rest of the familia. Mirabel spoke in a hushed whisper. "Camilo, Dolores heard your entire conversation with Abuela, so we've come up with a plan." I stood there in confusion. "A plan, what for?"

"A plan so you and Ramona Castillo can still see each other!" Dolores said excitedly. "Thanks, guys but the Castillos should be long gone by now. "Camilo, the Castillos are living in the woods near the town, they have a house and everything! You can still see Ramona!"



Abuela beckoned me to come and talk to her in the kitchen. She smiled sweetly which gave me a heads up that the talk to come wouldn't be something I'd like. "Ah Ramona, my beautiful grandchild I love you so much!" 

"What do you want Abuela?" I say in an exasperated tone. Abuela always does this when she needs something. She laughs "Ramona, look, I know you were close with the Madrigal boy but you will not be allowed to see him again. If you happen to run into him when getting groceries in the village I want you to ignore him. Do you understand me?" She stares into my eyes as if she was daring me to protest. "OK, Abuela." The old woman clapped her hands. "Great you understand!" Abuela clapped her hands.

"Pssst Ramona! Over here!" I looked to where the whispering voice was and saw Sofia with an urgent look on her face. "Sofia?" I say in complete confusion. "We have a plan" Sofia says once I'm near her. "Why do we need a plan?" 

"So you and that Madrigal kid can still be together duh!" Sofia says careful to not let anyone around us hear. "Really?" 

"You remember how Abuela told you that we would still go into town to get groceries and stuff like that? Well me and Elena had a chat and we thought it would be a good idea to talk with Dolores Madrigal so she can be in on it with us." She says still whispering. "Dolores Madrigal like as in the ones whos house we just got thrown out of? What a great plan!" I whisper shout. "Hear me out, if shes in on it we have someone in the Madrigal family to keep eyes, or in this case ears, on Abuela Madrigal so she doesn't figure out the plan."

"Ok well what is this great plan you've been telling me about?" I say still skeptical as to whether this plan would be as foolproof as my sister says it will be. "So what's going to happen is you, me and Elena are going to go to town and get groceries. While were down there you'll meet up with Camilo, then Dolores, Elena and I will hangout till you want to come home. And we can do the plan over and over again. Pretty great right?" Sofia crosses her arms smiling. She looks very proud of herself.

"Wow that is a great plan actually!" I say still astonished my sister could come up with a plan that genius. "So once I get in contact with Dolores, who I'm sure is listening at the moment. Hi Dolores! We will commence the plan so maybe tomorrow or the day after! Good?" Sofia smiles. "Yep good plan!"


sorry for the long wait for the chapter :)


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