Chapter 3

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Ramona's POV

"Esperanza!? I thought you died when the raiders came!" The two old women embraced tenderly. Smiling as they were reunited with a long-lost friend. On their faces was a mix of worry, relief, and joy. The two families watched in confusion as their Abuela hugged a stranger they had never seen before. As the reunited friends hugged tightly I looked over my shoulder at my fellow Castillos, they all looked as confused as I felt. I made eye contact with Tia Cecelia who shrugged her shoulders indicating she was just as confused as me.

I peeked past the old women and took a look at the other family. There were a lot of them. And one of them was really big and muscular, I really hope we don't have to fight them cause i doubt I could beat the muscular one. While I was checking out the family I accidentally made eye contact with a boy around my age wearing a yellow poncho. After a few seconds of intensely staring at each other, the boy waved and smiled until what seemed to be his mother slapped his waving hand down and glared at me. I quickly glanced away.

 I looked back at the elderly women who are now holding hands and smiling at the other. I glanced up at Sofia and asked her what was happening but she said she had no idea and went back to watching Abuela.

"Alma I can't believe it's you! It has been so long! And this must be your family they are the spitting image of you and Pedro. Where is Pedro?" Abuela said. This other woman must be one of Abuela's friends from her village. But when Abuela asked where this Pedro was Alma looked down at the ground sadly and looked as if she was going to break down and cry.

"Pedro is dead, the raiders killed him after the attack," Alma said softly. Abuela stuck a hand over her mouth and said her apologies. Abuela's face now had the same expression as her friend Alma's. Alma looked up and began smiling again.

"Oh yes you're right this is my family, The Madrigals. We live down in the village at the bottom of the mountain. Oh, I almost forgot to ask. Why are you here?"

"Long story short, our magical house in our village was burnt down by raiders and we found our way here," Abuela answered.

"Well, we'd love to have you stay with us in Encanto!" Alma looked over at her family. "Right guys?" The answers muttered by the Madrigals were less than enthusiastic but it seemed to be a "Yes" And that's all we needed right now.

"Sounds lovely!" Said Abuela cheerfully. Little Tony quickly ran up to Abuela and whispered in her ear. I didn't hear what he said but Abuela began speaking again.

"Oh yes! I almost forgot! Thank you for reminding me Neito! Our family, the Castillos, were actually given a miracle many years ago. Now we've all been blessed with a magical gift." Abuela smiled.

"Oh well, actually the same thing happened to us!" Alma said sounding shocked. Chatter erupted in both families as this was the first time either family had met another family with gifts. The old women smiled at each other.

"Well we should introduce ourselves, shouldn't we!" said Alma. " Say your name then show them your gift." I noticed one of the Madrigals, a girl around my age with short, curly hair and glasses, looking a bit uncomfortable and moving to the back of the group. I wondered what that was about. A woman with a yellow dress moved to the front of the group and introduced herself. There was a lot of "ooohs and aaaahs" coming from my family.

"I am Pepa, I can control the weather with just my emotions." And with that, a rainbow appeared over her head. One by one the Madrigals introduced themselves but the one that stood out to me the most was Camillo's. Camillo was the boy who waved at me before and now I've found out he could change his appearance drastically and make himself look like anyone. As he introduced himself he held eye contact the entire time. I looked down a few times, flustered, which he found amusing.

After the Madrigals introduced themselves it was the Castillos' turn.

We each introduced ourselves and our gift, with Fernando going first. I went last.

"Hi, my name is Ramona! I can control and manipulate fire." And with that, I started two large fires in both of my hands and made the fire move and change color. After the Madrigals clapped I stepped back next to my Mother, who had now stopped building the sled. Mama smiled down at me and hugged me, but then stepped away. 

"Oh, Fuega! You're still hot!" I rubbed my neck and apologized. Fuega was a nickname my family called me.

"You will be staying with us in our Casita! I'm sure Casita will make some lovely rooms for each of you!" Said Alma, still excited to have been reunited with her friend. 

As we followed the Madrigals back to our new home, no one from either family talked to the other. In fact, no one talked at all. I glanced at my little cousins a few times to make sure they were safe but other than that I had my eyes on the path until we arrived at the Madrigal Casita. The road was long, winding, and steep but we were able to do it just fine thanks to all the exercise we'd gotten from wandering around aimlessly for somewhere to stay previously.

Time skip

By the time we arrived at the Madrigal's residence it was almost dinner time and we Castillos were starving. So while we were up in our new rooms getting used to it all, The Madrigals were down in the kitchen cooking up a storm and it smelt absolutely heavenly. 

My room was very plain with a red door a sign that said "Ramona's Room" in messy handwriting. Inside the room was a single bed with a blue blanket, a vanity, and a cupboard filled with clothes exactly my size. These rooms would be temporary, so when Casita was finished building them the Castillos would each get a magical door like the Madrigals.

After a while of laying down in my bed and processing everything that had just happened, I felt the urge to go to the bathroom. I opened my door and walked outside looking for someone I could ask where the bathroom is. I bumped into a little dark-skinned boy, Antonio, whom I asked. He answered happily and even offered to take me but I refused and went by myself.

After I relieved my self I opened the door and accidentally ran into someone's chest. I quickly stepped back and apologized. I looked up and realized I'd run into Camillo the shapeshifter.

"You really should watch where you're going, Princesa. Wouldn't wanna run into any more people," he said smirking down at me. His hair was curly a framed his face well.

"Princesa?" I asked obviously annoyed with the pet name.

Camillo was about to keep talking but Dolores interrupted him, telling us that dinner was almost ready.

Only a few seconds after I hear Julietta yell " TIME FOR DINNER!"

Author's note:

Thank you so much for reading! It means a lot! Please vote and comment!

Lots of love from your adoring Author MWAH <3


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