My buddy's

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   Pran POV:_

               Fresher day going to start soon till Now everything was going good.

       I got friends order than pat i still not able to believe myself but they are good buddy's they are also mostly silent but once they start to talk they not gonna to stop.

       I got friends order than pat i still not able to believe myself but they are good buddy's they are also mostly silent but once they start to talk they not gonna to stop

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wai was silent breaker most of time also hot head person but most importantly he was loyal person who do anything for his friends.


Bright simply acts like cold person but once you knows him you fallen on his cute and childishness if i know him before pat i may fallen for him

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Bright simply acts like cold person but once you knows him you fallen on his cute and childishness if i know him before pat i may fallen for him.

Bright simply acts like cold person but once you knows him you fallen on his cute and childishness if i know him before pat i may fallen for him

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      So here Iam a hero of his story pran will what to say i still Trying to do something useful in my life other than have a crush on pat.

          So again we begin with fresher day my peer - mentor was Kongpop who was present and famous senior in Kongpop was really good mentor i only talked to him three times but it was good talk.

        But the problem is we all have to something for our freshers day.

          I really have no idea why they select me to lead fresher day i mean I was just dooling on my notes when our senior comes and talks about freshers day, they ask who like to lead fresher day  I saw nobody raised or stand up maybe"nobody interested like me in activity" than one person what is name ohh yes Tee said Pran would be good for this.

       Like why would Tee even said i don't know but at final I was already chosen to take a lead.

        I thought it would be different but my classmates are good they also response to me they shared there interest to me.

         Bright and wai also help all day they even teasing here and there but i feel good to have them.

           At the end of the day i got every name list for the program.

      I feel somehow good being busy.

   I heard my phone rings i take it I saw and i smiled it was pat.

Phone conversation 🗣️

         Hi Pat what doing.

         Today was busy pran I was chosen to take a lead for the freshers day.

      Me to Pat but it was going good.

      Wow Pran you getting famous now a days.

      Stop it pat i was tired.

       Oh" ok i come to your dorm i buy your favourite food,

       Pat i want icecream to i miss it so much...

   After dinner you can have it.

    Your best pat.

      Yes who ever buy you ice cream they all your favourite.

       No your my only favourite.


       Ok bye pat i see you at my dorm.

        Bye pran...

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