Chapter 2

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[A/N-This is a continuation of AJ's POV. A lot is happening guys and it was kinda emotional as I wrote this-Zykkia
She lying ]


Two Hours Later...

I awoke to the sound of my name being called. I saw Alex and I smiled. "Alexandra"I said as I opened my eyes. The person shook their head. I rubbed the sleep out of my eyes and to my dismay it wasn't Alex. It was her identical twin sister sister Alexis. I felt like crying, but I held back the wave of tears.

"Hey Alexandra, how are you feeling." Alexis asked.

"I'm not feeling that well"I said as I winced in pain. I feel excruciating pain in my chest and stomach. It travels a little bit and I feel like crying"I said as I looked at the wall.

"I see." She said and sat down next to me.

"Where have you been Alexis?"I asked with a worried look.

"I've been keeping to myself, doing what you're doing." Alexis said in a non-chalant manner.

"Why'd you run away?"I asked her as the memories came flooding back into my head.

"Because I am a coward." She sighed.

"Where did you go Alexis?"I said as I tried my best to maintain my anger.

"I went to find a secluded area." She responded.

"What about Alex? Is she not your sister? WAS SHE NOT INJURED ALEXIS?!?"I asked as I raised my voice. Destiny walked into the room with an angry visage, but my attention was fully directed towards Alexis.

She looked away. "Yes, she was injured." She said simply.


"I didn't abandon anyone, get that straight Alexandra. I left, because-well, I don't know why I left. I couldn't stand to see Alex hurt." She responded.

"So you leave her to get hurt more by the Peeps Alexis... you know what that was a smart move"I said as I applauded with a sarcastic smirk.

Alexis stood up as if she were about to walk away.

"Oh look what we have here. Alexis walking away as always. You never finish a conversation with a person.


You always walk away, and the one time you did Alex got HURT EVEN MORE THAN SHE ALREADY WAS!!!!"I said as I raised my voice at her. I could feel my eyes burning with tears, but I still held them back.

"You really think yelling like this will help Alex. Really? Okay, I understand I was wrong for running away, but I was scared. You think I'm not hurting because my sister is dying, no! But I'm not going to dispute over my idiocy, because we are fighting over nothing. You're only yelling at me because you're hurting. You think I don't feel bad for leaving my sister. I do, I do, I do. I feel so awful." She said and began to cry. "It was a fight or flight moment, and my body screamed fight because I knew what James was capable of, and I knew what I was capable of. AJ I don't have strength. I was not going to hold the almost dead body of my sister in my arms." She finished.

"SO YOU LET OUR ENEMIES TAKE HER AND HURT HER. NICE ALEXIS, SMART MOVE"I shouted in response. How did she know how I was feeling. She had no right to leave Alexis whatsoever.

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